Thank you for your interest in publishing with us!
Social Justice is a refereed journal, and each submission is anonymously reviewed by at least two referees. Publishing decisions are made within 90 days.
To submit an article for consideration, you may use our online submission form. Please read the information below before you submit your materials. If you have any questions, please contact us at
Copies Needed and Submission Requirements:
Please send us:
1) A copy of your article (see format guidelines below). Please make sure to anonymize your document before you submit it.
2) A document containing: cover letter, an abstract of 100 words, up to eight keywords, and a brief biographical sketch with affiliations, complete postal and e-mail addresses, and phone number. The cover letter should confirm that all authors have agreed to the submission and that the article is not currently being considered for publication by any other journal.
Articles should not exceed 8,000 words; commentaries should be 4,000 words, and book reviews 1,000 to 2,000 words. All text, including quotations and bibliographic references, should be double spaced.
Format Guidelines
Please conform your manuscript to the Chicago Manual of Style. Below is a summary of our main format guidelines.
Lengthy quotations (exceeding 40 words) should be indented in the text.
Use endnotes only for substantive comments only, not for citation. Place them in a “NOTES” section at the end of the document.
In-text references: All references to books, monographs, articles, and statistical sources should be specified in the main text (and in the text of endnotes) by last name of author, year of publication, and pagination where appropriate: Examples:
(Dobash & Dobash 1991, 1992)
(Dobash & Dobash 1991, 1992; Johnson 1973)
(Johnson 1973, 15–16)
The complete citation should be listed at the conclusion of the article under “References.” Such citation should be alphabetical by name of author; for authors cited more than once, by years of publication, with most recent references first. Use the letters a, b, c, etc., to distinguish citations of different works by the same author in the same year – e.g., (Foucault 1975a,b).
For bibliographic references, we request the following format:
Platt, Tony and Paul Takagi
1980 Punishment and Penal Discipline. San Francisco: Crime and Social Justice Associates.
Chapter in edited book
McSherry, Patrice J.
2005 “Operation Condor as Hemispheric ‘Counterterror’ Organization.” In When States Kill: Latin America, the U.S., and Technologies of Terror, edited by Cecilia Menjivar and Nestor Rodriguez, 28–56. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Journal article
Eick, Volker
2011 “Germany’s New ‘Security Architecture’? Long-Term Unemployed and Rent-a-Cops.” Social Justice Journal 38(1–2): 146–63.
Online article
Scraton, Phil
2013 “Margaret Thatcher.” Social Justice Journal (blog), April 12. At
Usage Guidelines:
We prefer to use the term “the United States,” not “America,” when referring to the United States of America. For all other usage guidelines, please refer to the Chicago Manual of Style; our dictionary of reference is the Merriam-Webster.
Review Process and Copyright:
Articles that are resubmitted after requested revisions are reconsidered in terms of compliance with reviewer criticisms. Once a paper is accepted, authors are asked to assign copyright to Social Justice. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders to reproduce any illustrations, tables, figures, or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere. If the article is printed, the author receives one copy of the printed journal.