
To order a copy or read more, click on the book title or the cover image.

Critical Resistance to the Prison-Industrial Complex

Edited by the Critical Resistance Publications Collective. 240 pp., paper. ISBN: 978-0-935206-03-6. $14.95





Paul Takagi: Recollections and Writings

Paul T. Takagi and Gregory Shank (2012). 156 pp., paper, ISBN 978-0-9352060-1-2. $21.95





The Iron Fist and the Velvet Glove: An Analysis of the U.S. Police

Tony Platt et al. (2nd printing, 1977). 232 pp., paper, ISBN 0-935206-02-07. $20.00





Punishment and Penal Discipline: Essays on the Prison and the Prisoners’ Movement

Edited by Tony Platt and Paul Takagi (2nd printing, 1982). 200 pp., paper, ISBN 0-935206-00-0. $20.00