SJ Archives, 2015–

• 2020: Issues 158–161 (Vol. 47)


Vol. 47-3/4
A Critical Theory of Police Power in the Twenty-First Century
edited by Mark Neocleous and the Anti-security Collective

This special issue advances a critical theory of police power focusing on the inextricable link between the violence of police, the organization of the state, and the reproduction of capital.
Contributors: Mark Neocleous, Guillermina Seri, Brendan McQuade, Tyler Wall, Travis Linnemann, Will Jackson, Ben Brucato, Zhandarka Kurti, George S. Rigakos.


Vol. 47-1/2

Articles on:

• Memorialization of Operation Condor Sites
• Prostitution and Quality-of-Life Policing
• Social Movements in Juvenile Prisons
• Carceral Power and Debilitating Taxation
• Police Violence and Cop Culture
• Monolingualism in Local Emergency Response


• 2019: Issues 154–157 (Vol. 46) 

Screen Shot 2020-11-14 at 10.50.31 AMVol. 46-4
Punishment and History
edited by Ashley T. Rubin

This special issue appraises the role of history in the study of punishment, illuminating its utility and limitations for understanding penal change. What is the role of history in interdisciplinary studies of punishment? How do conceptions of punishment change across time and space? And how does punishment’s impact on inequalities across class, race, gender, and sexuality change (or persist) in different spatio-temporal contexts?

156_COVER_FVol. 46-2/3
Policing the Protest Cycle of the 2010s
edited by Manuel Maroto, Ignacio González-Sánchez, and José A. Brandariz

This special issue analyzes the cycle of protests that has swept the globe following the Great Recession of 2008 and the Arab Spring revolts of the early 2010s. By exploring the differences between protests, and in particular between the different forms of repression with which they were met, this issue interrogates more broadly the relationship between the state and social movements and the role of penality as a tool of neoliberal governmentality.

Vol. 46-1
Unsettling Debates: Women and Peace Making
edited by Suzy Kim, Gwyn Kirk, and M. Brinton Lykes

This issue presents a critical exploration of women’s past contributions and future potential in making peace. Adopting a transnational perspective, the contributors highlight the various ways in which women seeking a just peace have organized against militarized patriarchy and its forms of structural violence within and across communities and nation states.

• 2018: Issues 150–153 (Vol. 45) 


Vol. 45-4
Penal Abolition: Challenging Boundaries
edited by Michael J. Coyle & Judah Schept

This issue’s focus reflects abolition’s foundational questioning of the material boundaries of capitalist societies—borders, prisons, property—as well as the matériel of those boundaries—barbed wire, cages, fences, walls, and increasingly their electronic manifestations. Whereas some reform efforts aim to tweak the size and content of these boundaries, abolition insists that the boundaries themselves must be dismantled.

Vol. 45-2/3

Articles on abolition democracy, carceral devolution in NY, policing homelessness in SF, police training and use of force, environmental disasters in Appalachia, wage theft, and colonialism and war on gangs in the UK.

Abstracts [free pdf download]




Vol. 45-1
Emancipatory Justice:
Confronting the Carceral State

edited by Michael Hallett

This special issue of Social Justice begins with the premise that addressing structural violence is the greatest single challenge to establishing mechanisms of emancipatory justice. Looking beyond the prison walls, contributors identify areas in which new forms of leadership and advocacy may emerge that both articulate alternative visions and overcome the inertia of despair and political intransigence.

• 2017: Issues 147–150 (Vol. 44) •

Vol. 44-4

Articles on progress and Indigenous dispossession, Detroit’s Great Rebellion, reconciliation in Myanmar, state terrorism in Ethiopia, punishment and the economic field, and intellectuals outside the academy.

Front Matter [free pdf download]
Abstracts [free pdf download]


Vol. 44-2/3
Neoliberal Confinements: Social Suffering in the
Carceral State
edited by Alessandro De Giorgi & Benjamin Fleury-Steiner

This special issue aims to provide a cartography of the social suffering experienced by marginalized and oppressed populations in the US carceral state. The contributors extend their gaze beyond the prison and its ancillary institutions to include spaces of confinement at the crossroads of racialized carceral regimes, hyper-policed neighborhoods, and widening zones of social abandonment.

Vol. 44-1
Ethnographic Explorations of Punishment and the Governance of Security
edited by Robert Werth

This special issue highlights the growth of ethnographic examinations of penal governance, emphasizing the possibilities of ethnography as a methodology for studying penality. By analyzing phenomena as varied as pre-trial incarceration, parole and reentry, female incarceration, immigrant detention, and mental health courts, these articles explore the diffusion of penality throughout society and its entanglements with other sociocultural, political, and economic forces.

• 2016: Issues 143–146 (Vol. 43) •


Vol. 43-4

Articles on realism and idealism in critical criminology, solitary confinement in California, torture and abuse in US prisons, sovereignty and LGBT refugees, and asylum seekers in Ireland.

Front Matter [free pdf download]
Abstracts [free pdf download]


Vol. 43-3

Articles on global capitalism and education, stop-and-frisk, Indigenous people and restorative justice, compulsory welfare measures, and higher education on prison.

Front Matter [free pdf download]
Abstracts [free pdf download]



43-2-coverVol. 43-2

Articles on neoliberalism and homelessness, death in prison, settler colonialism and Indigenous resistance, policing the police, and due process and privilege.

Front Matter [free pdf download]
Abstracts [free pdf download]



Vol. 43-1

Articles on prisoner reentry, judicial override in capital cases, self-determination for African descendants in Brazil, reintegrating deported migrants in Jamaica, the global war on drugs, and the Chilean New Song movement.

Front Matter [free pdf download]
Abstracts [free pdf download]


• 2015: Issues 139–142 (Vol. 42) •

Vol. 42-3/4
Mexican and Chicanx Social Movements
edited by Maylei Blackwell & Edward J. McCaughan

This double issue brings together the work of scholars and activists from Mexico and the United States, including indigenous women and queer activists, to discuss current trends in the scholarship and practices of Mexican and Chicanx social movements.
Editors’ Introduction [free pdf download]


140_CoverVol. 42-2
Beyond Mass Incarceration: 
Crisis and Critique in North American Penal Systems
edited by Alessandro De Giorgi

After decades of vertical increases in imprisonment rates, the US carceral system is in a state of structural crisis. This issue analyzes the carceral field in the US and Canada to decode current trends and anticipate future developments.
Editor’s Introduction [free pdf download]


139_COVER_LVol. 42-1 

Articles on the Iran Nuclear Accord, Mexican capitalism, the victims movement, education and testing, the financial crisis, and the limits of liberal penal reform.


2010–2014 >>>