2017 Subscription Rates for Social Justice
ISSN: 1043-1578 * Federal I.D.: 94-2438499
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Social Justice: A Journal of Crime, Conflict, and World Order is a quarterly journal, with issues scheduled to appear in April, July, September, and December. Social Justice is a continuation of Crime and Social Justice (ISSN 0094-7571) and incorporates Contemporary Marxism (ISSN 0193-8703) and Issues in Criminology (ISSN 0021-2385).
Subscription Orders: Social Justice is published quarterly. All orders must be done on a one- or two-year calendar basis. Partial subscriptions will be accepted to bring subscribers in line with the calendar year. All orders must be prepaid in U.S. dollars. When foreign government regulations require invoicing, we will do so upon request.
Back Issues: Please note that no special discount applies to single-copy orders of back issues. Availability of issues of Crime and Social Justice dating back to 1974 is restricted to those still in print. Out-of-print issues are available from us in pdf format. Select back issues of Contemporary Marxism can also be obtained directly from us upon request.
Back Dating of Subscriptions: We will back date subscriptions as far as three years from the order (subject to availability of issues), but only for entire years. For back-dated orders, the current rates will apply, not those previously in effect.
Claims: All claims to receive missing issues without charge must be received by us no later than one year from the publication date of the claimed issue(s). If replacement copies are desired beyond that time limit, they must be purchased as back issues. We reserve the right to request proof of payment before honoring claims.
Cancellations: All payments are final and non-refundable. The only exception is if a subscription order is accidentally duplicated. Cancellation requests go into effect once the last issue owed on the subscription has been served.
2017 Subscription Rates
Federal Tax I.D. Number 94–2438499
We offer two levels of subscription: Print Only and Print + Digital (including full digital access to our archives). Digital access is provided via IP authentication.
Two-year subscription prices are twice the single-year rate minus a 10% discount.
Prices effective for subscriptions beginning January 1, 2017 (Vol. 44, Nos. 1–4):
Domestic |
Domestic |
Foreign |
Foreign |
Domestic 2 years |
Domestic |
Foreign |
Foreign |
Print Only |
$193.60 |
$164.50 |
$211.60 |
$179.80 |
$348.50 |
$296.20 |
$380.90 |
$323.70 |
Print + Digital |
$277.20 |
$235.60 |
$299 |
$254.10 |
$498.90 |
$424 |
$538.20 |
$457.50 |
- Regular domestic subscriptions are sent via 3rd class mail.
- Regular foreign subscriptions are sent surface rate.
- Subscription orders not specifying the starting date will begin with the first issue of the calendar year.
- All orders not accompanied by purchase orders must be prepaid.