Heather Ellis, ed.
This issue of Social Justice explores the changing meanings of “juvenile delinquency” and the relation between juvenile crime discourses and state authority in the 19th and 20th centuries. Emphasis is on the histories of West and East Germany, Soviet Russia, and Scotland.
Purchase articles (click on the author link to read the abstract and buy the pdf):
Heather Ellis, Editor’s Introduction: Juvenile Delinquency, Modernity, and the State [Free Download]
Jürgen Harder, Youth Welfare and the Practice of German Reformatories in the Weimar Republic: Between Social Reintegration and Exclusion of the ‘Behaviorally Maladjusted’
Pavel Vasilyev, Medical Science, the State, and the Construction of the Juvenile Drug Addict in Early Soviet Russia
Juliane Brauer, Clashes of Emotions: Punk Music, Youth Subculture, and Authority in the GDR (1978-1983)
Alexander Clarkson, Urban Tribes: Subcultures and Political Conflict in West Berlin, 1945-1991
Michael Krause, Involving the Community in Youth Justice: ‘Naming and Shaming’ and the Role of Local Citizen Courts in Britain and in the Former GDR
Alex Law and Gerry Mooney, The Decivilizing Process and Urban Working Class Youth in Scotland