New Pedagogies for Social Change, Vol. 29: 4, 2002


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Susan Roberta Katz and Cecilia Elizabeth O’Leary, eds.

In the United States today, we are witnessing the dominance of a “new market economy” paradigm in the field of education. As a result, we are currently facing increased state and nationwide efforts to control learning and teaching under the guise of “standards” and “accountability.” At the same time, a growing number of educators and community activists are resisting this trend through designing innovative, progressive practices in classrooms at all levels and through organizing students, parents, and teachers to defend their educational rights. This special issue of Social Justice, co-edited by Cecilia O’Leary (California State University, Monterey Bay) and Susan Roberta Katz (University of San Francisco), captures examples of this resistance as it is occurring in California universities and presents key critiques of the “standards” movement.

Purchase articles (click on the author link to read the abstract and buy the pdf):

Susan Roberta Katz and Cecilia Elizabeth O’Leary, Overview of New Pedagogies for Social Change

Christine E. Sleeter, State Curriculum Standards and the Shaping of Student Consciousness

Luís Armando Gandin and Michael Apple, Can Education Challenge Neoliberalism? The Citizen School and the Struggle for Democracy in Porto Alegre, Brazil

Tony Platt, Desegregating Multiculturalism: Problems in the Theory and Pedagogy of Diversity Education

Eugene E. García and Julie Figueroa, Access and Participation of Latinos in the University of California: A Current Macro and Micro Perspective

Ernest Morrell and Anthony M. Collatos, Toward a Critical Teacher Education: High School Student Sociologists as Teacher Educators

June Gordon, From Gangs to the Academy: Scholars Emerge by Reaching Back Through Critical Ethnography

Shawn Ginwright and Julio Cammarota, New Terrain in Youth Development: The Promise of a Social Justice Approach

Rina Benmayor, Narrating Cultural Citizenship: Oral Histories of First-Generation College Students of Mexican Origin

Diana Garcia, Making Multiple Literacies Visible in the Writing Classroom: From Cupareo, Guanajuato, to Cal State, Monterey Bay

Frances Payne Adler, Activism in Academia: A Social Action Writing Program

Debra Busman, You Gotta Be Ready for Some Serious Truth to Be Spoken

Tracey Weis, Rina Benmayor, Cecilia O’Leary, and Bret Eynon, Digital Technologies and Pedagogies

David Takacs, Positionality, Epistemology, and Social Justice in the Classroom

Richard Bains and Amalia Mesa-Bains, A Reciprocal University: A Model for Arts, Justice, and Community (Interview by Cecilia O’Leary)

Herbert Kohl, The Fire This Time: A Review of Taking It Personally: Racism in the Classroom from Kindergarten to College, with commentaries by the authors, Ann Berlak and Sekani Moyenda

Soraya Sablo Sutton and Sheila Menezes, In Remembrance of June Jordan, 1963 to 2002

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