Policing the Crisis–Policing in Crisis, Vol. 38:1-2, 2011


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Kendra Briken and Volker Eick, eds.

This issue of Social Justice discusses recent policing and security strategies, civil rights, and crime policy within the framework of the current financial and economic crisis. Contributors focus on various aspects of urban policing in crisis, such as recent developments in the “governance” of urban spaces. Some articles analyze neoliberal ideologies, programs, and projects that restrict the right to the city from “undesirables.” Others concentrate on the “doing of policing” to better understand the inclusionary and exclusionary effects within newly arising policing regimes and the institutional players involved.

Purchase articles (click on the author link to read the abstract and buy the pdf):

Kendra Briken and Volker Eick, Introduction: Policing the Crisis–Policing in Crisis <Free Download>

Bernd Belina, Ending Public Space as We Know It

John Krinsky and Maud Simonet, Safeguarding Private Value in Public Spaces: The Neoliberalization of Public Service Work in New York City’s Parks

Jenny Künkel, Community Goes German: The Displacement of the Sex Trade in the Name of a Neoliberal Concept

Marc Schuilenburg, The Securitization of Society: On the Rise of Quasi-Criminal Law and Selective Exclusion

Nik Theodore, Policing Borders: Unauthorized Immigration and the Pernicious Politics of Attrition

John Manzo, On the Practices of Private Security Officers: Canadian Security Officers’ Reflections on Training and Legitimacy

Kendra Briken, Suffering in Public? Doing Security in Times of Crisis

Volker Eick, Germany’s New ‘Security Architecture’? Long-Term Unemployed and Rent-a-Cops

Massimiliano Mulone, When Private and Public Policing Merge: Thoughts on Commercial Policing

Ben Bowling and James Sheptyck, Policing Globopolis

Loïc Wacquant, The Wedding of Workfare and Prisonfare Revisited

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