25th Anniversary Commemoration, Vol. 26: 2, 1999


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Gregory Shank, ed.

Twenty-eight contributors offer short memoirs, reflections, or longer critiques that commemorate a quarter century of publishing Social Justice. They candidly assess what has been accomplished (or not) since 1974 in terms of a progressive agenda and suggest future directions. The essays reflect the geographical diversity that has characterized the journal’s contents from the beginning. Authors from seven countries in North and South America, Europe, Africa, and the South Pacific reflect on the world order, state repression, and crime.

Purchase articles (click on the author link to read the abstract and buy the pdf):

Editors, Celebrating 25 Years

Gregg Barak, Reflexive Social Justice

Marie Andrée Bertrand, The Importance of Issues in Criminology in My Intellectual Life

Lynn S. Chancer, Twenty-Five Years Later: Revisiting the Challenges to Social Justice

Nils Christie and Thomas Mathiesen, Still Difficult Times: Social Justice 25 Years Later

John Clarke, Social Justice: A View from the Edge?

Elliott Currie, Radical Criminology *MD* or Just Criminology *MD* Then, and Now

Rosa del Olmo, The Development of Criminology in Latin America

Karlene Faith, In Praise of Political Education

Andre Gunder Frank, A Testimonial Contribution to the 25th Anniversary Issue of Social Justice

John F. Galliher, Against Administrative Criminology

Gilbert Geis, A Quarter of a Century for Social Justice

Sidney L. Harring and Gerda W. Ray, Policing a Class Society: New York City in the 1990s

Bernard D. Headley, A Publication Dedicated to the Cause of Justice As It Is to Nourishment of Critical Thinking

Edward J. McCaughan, Loss, Renewal, and Frida’s Blue House

Pat O’Malley, Social Justice After the ‘Death of the Social’

James Petras, Behind Every Great Fortune There Is a Great Crime

Al Pinkney, Seeking Social Justice, Then and Now

Anthony M. Platt, Renewal

Herman Schwendinger, First Edition

Gregory Shank, Looking Back: Radical Criminology and Social Movements

Paul Takagi, Growing Up as a Japanese Boy in Sacramento County

Ian Taylor, Crime and Social Criticism

Suzie Dod Thomas, Twenty-Five Years of Involvement in Social Justice

Keyan G. Tomaselli, On Social Justice: Apartheid and Beyond

Robert P. Weiss, Reflections on Social Justice and the Prisoner Struggle

David Williams, Social Justice: 25 Years on, Social Justice Has an Important Task

Tim Wise, The Threat of a Good Example

Editors, Cumulative Index by Author, 1974 to 1999 (Vol. 26, No. 1)

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