Asian American and Pacific Islander Population Struggles for Social Justice, Vol. 35: 2, 2008



Adalberto Aguirre, Jr., and Shoon Lio

This issue of Social Justice offers an overview of the struggle for social justice in the United States by Asian and Pacific Islanders, including the factors that shape oppositional consciousness and the possibility for collective action. Authors address Asian American activism in urban communities–particularly traditional Asian ethnic enclaves–around land use, affordable housing, as well as labor and community preservation. Articles address grassroots efforts to launch an anti-drug offensive, an environmental justice and leadership skills organization, to develop tools for Muslim women of South Asian descent to fight anti-Islamic sentiment, to confront the marginalization and stereotyping of Asian Americans in popular culture, to critique the racial differentiation of the Asian and Latino immigrant populations, and to expose how the model minority myth reinforces established inequities and places second-generation Asian Americans within a precarious, defensive dilemma in which they must constantly prove their worth as “real” Americans regardless of their legal citizenship status.

Purchase articles (click on the author link to read the abstract and buy the pdf):

Adalberto Aguirre, Jr., and Shoon Lio, Spaces of Mobilization: The Asian American/Pacific Islander Struggle for Social Justice [Free Download]

Michael Liu and Kim Geron, Changing Neighborhood: Ethnic Enclaves and the Struggle for Social Justice

Jinah Kim, Immigrants, Racial Citizens, and the (Multi)Cultural Politics of Neoliberal Los Angeles

Diane C. Fujino, Race, Place, Space, and Political Development: Japanese-American Radicalism in the “Pre-Movement” 1960s

May Fu, ‘Serve the People and You Help Yourself’: Japanese American Anti-Drug Organizing in Los Angeles, 1969 to 1972

Bindi Shah, The Politics of Race and Education: Second-Generation Laotian Women Campaign for Improved Educational Services

Etsuko Maruoka, Wearing “Our Sword”: Post-September 11 Activism Among South Asian Muslim Women Student Organizations in New York

Lisa Sun-Hee Park, Continuing Significance of the Model Minority Myth: The Second Generation

Meera Deo, Christina Chin, Jenny J. Lee, Noriko Milman, and Nancy Wang Yuen, Missing in Action: “Framing” Race in Prime-Time Television

Gregory Shank, Paul T. Takagi Honored

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