Community-Building and Reintegrative Approaches to Community Policing: The Case of Drug Control
The authors examine how different policing practices work to include or exclude socially marginal populations, in this case those with substance abuse and illicit drug use problems. In the venues studied, Norfolk, Virginia, and Baltimore, Maryland, such reintegrative programs have largely failed. In the handling of addiction problems, faced with the choice of punitive order maintenance functions or more humane approaches that require police partnerships with a wide variety of community-based and other government organizations, as well as social outreach, police choose a “broken windows” routine of sanitizing through nuisance abatement and arrests over referrals to health and human services.
“Broken Windows”; police — community policing; United States — police; United States — social policy — drug control policy; crime and criminals; Norfolk Police Department; Baltimore Police Department
Citation: Social Justice Vol. 30, No. 1 (2003): 222-247