In the Aftermath of Welfare ‘Reform’, Vol. 28: 4, 2001


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Sylvie C. Tourigny and Delores Jones-Brown, eds.

This issue evaluates the fallout of efforts to reform welfare in the United States through the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996. It documents the ideological shifts in Republican circles that shaped the debate, and which are finding echoes in conservative politics in Australia and elsewhere. Now that welfare rolls have been radically reduced, we must pose difficult questions: What happens at the end of lifetime limits? What of those who found marginal employment, but are unable to keep it because their lives–or the economy–take a turn for the worse? What becomes of those who used to occupy bottom-rung positions that have been eliminated to create workfare places? What will the long-term consequences be of discouraging education in favor of “working first,” in a world where knowledge is the primary economy? Authors begin to rethink the possibility of new directions.

Purchase articles (click on the author link to read the abstract and buy the pdf):

Sylvie C. Tourigny and Delores Jones-Brown, Introduction: In the Aftermath of Welfare ‘Reform’ [Free Download]

Brendon O’Connor, The Protagonists and Ideas Behind the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996: The Enactment of a Conservative Welfare System

Delores Jones-Brown and Jacqueline Mahoney, Work First and Forget About Education: New York City’s Personal Responsibility Act and the Creation of a Working Underclass

Sylvie C. Tourigny, Some New Killing Trick: Welfare Reform and Drug Markets in a U.S. Urban Ghetto

Sheigla Murphy and Paloma Sales, Pregnant Drug Users: Scapegoats of Reagan/Bush and Clinton-Era Economics

Peter Kelly, The Post-Welfare State and the Government of Youth At-Risk

Patricia M. Short and Allyson Mutch, Exchange, Reciprocity, and Citizenship — Principles of Access and the Challenge to Human Rights in the Third Sector: An Australian Perspective

Sylvie C. Tourigny and Delores Jones-Brown, Conclusion — When All Is Said and Done: The Aftermath of Welfare ‘Reform’ in the United States

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