John Feffer



Gunboat Globalization: The Intersection of Economics and Security in East Asia

Feffer explores significant the contradictions underlying US policy in East Asia, with the United States seeking to open up new markets, especially in China, while still pursuing Cold War foreign policy objectives in the region through the continuing presence of US bases and military operations. He notes that the United States struggles to maintain the Cold War in Asia on the basis of 100,000 troops, considerable hardware, and sizeable contributions from Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines. In the wake of the 1997 Asian financial crisis, the US government consistently pushed for neoliberal reforms that involve the privatization of state assets, the lowering of barriers to trade, and the elimination of restrictions on the transnational movement of capital.

Asia/South Asia, United States — military policy; United States — commerce — arms trade; United States — foreign relations — Korea [South]; United States — foreign relations — Taiwan; United States — foreign relations — Japan; United States — foreign relations — China

Citation: Social Justice Vol. 27, No. 4 (2000): 45-62