Redrawing Power: #YoSoy132 and Overflowing Insurgencies
Favela reflects on her participation in the phenomenon known as #YoSoy132, a mass insurgency that erupted in the midst of the Mexican presidential electoral campaign of 2012. For her, this was neither a political organization, a structure, nor a movement, but rather a convocatory that gathered and unleashed a dialog about the democratization of politics, understood to mean breaking down hierarchical and central ways of power. Rejecting electoral politics, political parties, and traditional notions of leadership, Favela describes how the #YoSoy132 participants purposefully misspelled rebel as revel and revellion, with the aim of becoming everyday revels that understand politics as a shared responsibility.
social media, democratization, nonhierarchical politics
Citation: Social Justice Vol. 42, Nos. 3-4 (2015): 222-236
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