Pablo Gonzalez Casanova




Globalism, Neoliberalism, and Democracy

Finding an alternative to neoliberalism is a moral, political, and social problem and is the most important intellectual problem confronting the social sciences of our time. The alternative to the neoliberal state will be a social democracy that differs from the welfare state, the populist state, or “real socialism.” It will be a democratic alternative to fight for the power of the majority and for an economy of the majority in each nation and throughout the world. Concrete projects would be to cancel the foreign debt and democratize the United Nations, and for the United States to end its blockade of Cuba, or for the great powers to comply with international law and not just cause compliance while they forge a new world legal order with all nations.

economy, global, neoliberalism, nation-state, international economics, international relations, Third World

Citation: Social Justice Vol. 23, Nos. 1-2 (1996): 39-48


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