Patriot Acts
Authors Tony Platt and Cecilia O’Leary discuss the extraordinary changes within the repressive U.S. state apparatus after September 11, 2001, and the cultural expressions of patriotism that inform and justify the rollback of post-Watergate reforms and chilling of civil liberties. They catalog the coercive measures taken in the name of patriotism during times of war in the 20th century and the consequences of the USA Patriot Act and related changes in policy and government. The article discusses the contemporary discourse of right-wing nationalism and the possibilities for reviving a progressive tradition of patriotism.
September 11; civil rights violations — United States; right wing; conservatism — United States; Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 [USA PATRIOT Act]; patriotism; United States — history
Citation: Social Justice Vol. 30, No. 1 (2003): 5-21