A Critical Theory of Police Power in the Twenty-First Century
edited by Mark Neocleous and the Anti-security Collective
This special issue advances a critical theory of police power focusing on the inextricable link between the violence of police, the organization of the state, and the reproduction of capital. Analyzing police power from different perspectives and at different scales, the authors show how rather than being an aberration, police violence is integral to the nature of capitalist exploitation and to the social war through which the working class is reproduced.
Contributors: Mark Neocleous, Guillermina Seri, Brendan McQuade, Tyler Wall, Travis Linnemann, Will Jackson, Ben Brucato, Zhandarka Kurti, George S. Rigakos.
Introduction to the Special Issue: A Critical Theory of Police Power in the Twenty-First Century
Anti-security Collective
“Original, Absolute, Indefeasible”: Or, What We Talk about When We Talk about Police Power
Mark Neocleous
“The Dream of State Power”: Accumulation, Coercion, Police
Guillermina Seri
The Prose of Pacification: Critical Theory, Police Power, and Abolition Socialism
Brendan McQuade
No Chance: The Secret of Police, or the Violence of Discretion
Tyler Wall and Travis Linnemann
Police Power and Disorder: Understanding Policing in the Twenty-First Century
Will Jackson
Policing Race and Racing Police: The Origin of US Police in Slave Patrols
Ben Brucato
Police Power in the Aftermath of Black Lives Matter
Zhandarka Kurti
Comment: The Fabrication of a New Social Order
George S. Rigakos
Book Review Essay
Reorganized Violence
Patrick DeDauw
Book Review
Sara Benson, The Prison of Democracy: Race, Leavenworth, and the Culture of Law (University of California Press, 2019)
Ernest K. Chavez
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