War, Crisis, and Transition, Vol. 35: 3, 2008


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Gregory Shank, ed.

This issue of Social Justice explores the moral responsibility of individuals in a time of war, the complicity of international financial institutions in Africa’s tragic genocides, the dumping of toxic waste in the Third World, and the damage done internationally by neoconservative wars of choice and the use of torture. Contributors to this issue discuss refining the mechanisms in place that can lessen the extent of impunity when genocide occurs. Given the world economic crisis, this must take place alongside rescuing the key financial and productive institutions of American capitalism, reforming and strengthening international financial institutional arrangements, extricating the country from two hot wars and countless worldwide military entanglements, and putting in place a non-carbon energy architecture sufficiently robust to save the planet from a meltdown.

Purchase articles (click on the author link to read the abstract and buy the pdf):

Gregory Shank, Overview: War, Crisis, and Transition

William F. Felice, Moral Responsibility in a Time of War

Matthew S. Williams, The Bush Administration, Debt Relief, and the War on Terror: Reforming the International Development System as Part of the Neoconservative Project

Dawn L. Rothe, Christopher W. Mullins, and Kent Sandstrom, The Rwandan Genocide: International Finance Policies and Human Rights

Dawn L. Rothe and Christopher W. Mullins, Building Justice After War: The Use of Multiple Post-Conflict Justice Mechanisms

Rob White, Toxic Cities: Globalizing the Problem of Waste

Nandita Sharma and Cynthia Wright, Decolonizing Resistance, Challenging Colonial States

Margaret Power, Review of J. Patrice McSherry’s Predatory States: Operation Condor and Covert War in Latin America

Scott Gilmore, Review of Darius Rejali’s Torture and Democracy

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