South Africa in Transition, Vol. 18:1-2, 1999




Gregory Shank, ed.

This double issue was assembled by editor Gregory Shank, who was in South Africa at the time Nelson Mandela was released from prison and the African National Congress was unbanned, effectively signaling the end of legal apartheid. The issue deals with the transformation of apartheid into constitutional structures that seek to create a unitary, nonracial state there. Articles by scholar activists examine the economic, political, and ethnic-cultural obstacles standing in the way of attaining this goal. The American Library Association’s Social Responsibility Round Table commended this issue for introducing the public to clearly written essays by black and white South Africans on their efforts to create post-apartheid institutions.

Table of Contents

Introduction: South Africa in Transition
Gregory Shank

Issue Overview
Gregory Shank

The Constitutional Position of White South Africans in a Democratic South Africa
Albie Sachs

Democracy, Constitutionalism, and the ANC’s Bill of Right for a New South Africa
Nicholas Haysom

African National Congress: A Bill of Rights for a Democratic South Africa — Working Draft for Consultation
Constitutional Committee of the ANC

Remaking the Legal Order and Implementing the Rule of Law in South Africa
Dennis M. Davis

The Role of International Law in the Struggle for Liberation in South Africa
John Dugard

The Death Penalty in the Context of Commission of Crimes Against Humanity in South Africa: An Historical Perspective
Munyonzwe Hamalengwa

The Changing of the Guard: The Security Forces in Transition
Mark Phillips and Laurie Nathan

Disinformation and the South African Defense Force’s Theory of War
Keyan G. Tomaselli and P. Eric Louw

Democratizing the Criminal Justice System in South Africa
Nico Steytler

The Changing Role of Paralegals in Building a Post-Apartheid South Africa
Derrick Fine

Between Verwoed and the ANC: Profiles of Contemporary Repression, Deprivation, and Poverty in South Africa’s ‘Bantustans’
Eliphas Mukonoweshuro

History and Dimension of the Violence in Natal: Inkatha’s Role in Negotiating a Political Peace
Gerhard Maré

Overcoming Endemic Violence Against Women in South Africa
Lloyd Vogelman and Gillian Eagle

The South African Economy and the Democratic Imperative
Pieter Le Roux

Democratizing Economic Growth: Crisis and Growth Models for the Future
Steven Gelb

Education in South Africa: The Present Crisis and the Problems of Reconstruction
Alan Morris and Jonathan Hyslop

Review of Towards Justice. Crime and State Control in South Africa
Ronald Weitzer

South Africa in the World Economy
Gregory Shank