Activist Scholarship: Possibilities and Constraints of Participatory Action Research, Vol. 36: 4, 2009



Shabnam Koirala-Azad and Emma Fuentes, eds.

This issue of Social Justice reflects the research and voices of scholars who are concerned with issues of power and representation in academic scholarship. This work challenges existing hierarchies and power dynamics in social science research, creating new possibilities for research in the academy. Given the expansion of global discourse on democracy and the democratization of peoples, systems, and processes, contributors try to link the idea of democracy to research and scholarship. They explore whether it is possible to authentically bridge the gap between the community and the academy and truly engage with the community in the creation of new knowledge. This issue attempts to address the possibilities and constraints for activist scholarship and adds to the growing body of work that exemplifies participatory action research as a methodology, ideology, and a commitment. It has been widely adopted for classroom use.

Purchase articles (click on the author link to read the abstract and buy the pdf):

Shabnam Koirala-Azad and Emma Fuentes, Introduction: Activist Scholarship-Possibilities and Constraints of Participatory Action Research [Free Download]

Julio Cammarota, The Cultural Organizing of Formal Praxis-Based Pedagogies: A Socio-Historical Approach to Participatory Action Research

Kysa Nygreen, Critical Dilemmas in PAR: Toward a New Theory of Engaged Research for Social Change

Andrea Dyrness, Cultural Exclusion and Critique in the Era of Good Intentions: Using Participatory Research to Transform Parent Roles in Urban School Reform

Patricia Sánchez, ‘In Between Oprah and Cristina’: Urban Latina Youth Producing a Countertext with Participatory Action Research

Emma Fuentes, Learning Power and Building Community: Parent-Initiated Participatory Action Research as a Tool for Organizing Community

Shabnam Koirala-Azad, Exploring the Intersection of Philanthropy, Research, and Scholarship in a Third World Context

Joshua A. Mitchell, Activist Scholarship: A Review of Three Recent Works

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