Emmanuel David and Ed McCaughan, eds.
This issue of Social Justice examines the role of various media–the visual arts, theater, and performance–in the social justice struggles of communities as diverse as American Indians, Bahamians, North American and Mexican feminists, working-class women in England, and LGBTQ communities of color in New York City and the San Francisco Bay Area. Although the authors explore the arts in a wide range of geographic locations and historical contexts, the articles in this issue on art and social justice each address identity and difference within contested relationships of power and structural inequality. Situated around various lines of identity and difference–race, class, gender, sexuality, and nation–the essays converge along thematic grounds characterized by a commitment to emancipatory struggles and progressive social change.
Purchase articles (click on the author link to read the abstract and buy the pdf):
Emmanuel David and Ed McCaughan, Editors’ Introduction [Free Download]
Maria X. Martinez, The Art of Social Justice
Victoria Foster, The Art of Empathy: Employing the Arts in Social Inquiry with Poor Working-Class Women
Joanna Gardner-Huggett, The Women Artists’ Cooperative Space as a Site for Social Change: Artemisia Gallery, Chicago (1973-1979)
Edward J. McCaughan, Navigating the Labyrinth of Silence: Feminist Artists in Mexico
Cynthia Fowler, Hybridity as a Strategy for Self-Determination in Contemporary American Indian Art
Ian Gregory Strachan, Theater in the Bush: Art, Politics and Community in the Bahamas
Amy Jo Goddard, Staging Activism: New York City Performing Artists as Cultural Workers
D. Mark Wilson, Post-Pomo Hip-Hop Homos: Hip-Hop Art, Gay Rappers, and Social Change
Alejandra Osorio, Postcards in the Porfirian Imaginary