

SOC 492 – Sociology of Art
San Francisco State University
Prof. Edward McCaughan


• Ian Gregory Strachan, “Theater in the Bush: Art, Politics, and Community in the Bahamas.” Social Justice 34(1):80–96.
• Cynthia Fowler, “Hybridity as a Strategy for Self-Determination in Contemporary American Indian Art,” Social Justice 34(1):63–79.
• Amy Jo Goddard, “Staging Activism: New York City Cultural Workers as Cultural Workers” Social Justice 34(1):97–116.
• Ming-chen M. Lo, Christopher P. Bettinger, and Yun Fan, “Deploying Weapons of the Weak in Civil Society: Political Culture in Hong Kong and Taiwan.” Social Justice 33(2):77–104.
• Joanna Gardner-Huggett, “The Women Artists’ Cooperative Space as a Site for Social Change: Artemisia Gallery, Chicago (1973-1979).” Social Justice 34(1):28–43.
• Edward J. McCaughan, “Navigating the Labyrinth of Silence: Feminist Artists in Mexico.” Social Justice 34(1):44–62.
• Andreana Clay, “’All I Need is One Mic’: Mobilizing Youth for Social Change in the Post-Civil Rights Era.” Social Justice 33(2):105–21.
• D. Mark Wilson, “Post-Pomo Hip-Hop Homos: Hip-Hop Art, Gay Rappers, and Social Change.” Social Justice 34(1):117–40.
• Cynthia J. Miller, “Images from the Streets: Art for Social Change from the Homelessness Photography Project.” Social Justice 33(2):122–35.
• Silvia R. Tandeciarz, “Mnemonic Hauntings: Photography as Art of the Missing.” Social Justice 33(2):135–52.
• Victoria Foster, “The Art of Empathy: Employing the Arts in Social Inquiry with Poor, Working-Class Women.” Social Justice 34(1):12–27.
• Maria X. Martínez, “The Art of Social Justice.” Social Justice 34(1):5–11.


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