Criminal Justice & Globalization at the New Millennium, Vol. 27: 2, 2000



Robert P. Weiss, ed.

Edited by Robert P. Weiss, this 300-page special millennium issue of Social Justice highlights the negative impact of neoliberal globalization on criminal justice, including escalating personal and business crime, growing corruption, heightened antiforeign sentiment and scapegoating that comes with labor migration, greater worker insecurity, and the expansion of a marginalized, contingent work force dependent on the shadow economy. Sections cover new struggles for visibility and social justice, policing the contradictions, penal exclusion of the surplus population, theoretical advances, political reactions, and public policy regressions. Neoliberalism affects criminal justice everywhere because this free-market doctrine precludes the need for any program of social justice. Contributors to this issue, however, address how democratic governance can be established and how we can create a critical culture. At a minimum, it indicates how we can escape the trap of penal exclusion that has filled prisons with the casualties of the informal economy in illegal drugs and points to the dangers inherent in the privatization and paramilitarization of policing.

Purchase articles (click on the author link to read the abstract and buy the pdf):

Robert P. Weiss, Introduction to ‘Criminal Justice & Globalization at the New Millennium’ [Free Download]

Nikos Passas, Global Anomie, Dysnomie, and Economic Crime: Hidden Consequences of Neoliberalism and Globalization in Russia and Around the World

Vincenzo Ruggiero, The Fight to Reappear

Michael Dutton, The End of the (Mass) Line? Chinese Policing in the Era of the Contract

Gary T. Marx, The Police as Social Change Agents? The Curious Case of Poland’s Transition

Martha K. Huggins, Urban Violence and Police Privatization in Brazil: Blended Invisibility

John Irwin, Vincent Schiraldi, and Jason Ziedenberg, America’s One Million Nonviolent Prisoners

Marc-Andre Pigeon and L. Randall Wray, Can Penal Keynesianism Replace Military Keynesianism? An Analysis of Society’s Newest ‘Solution’ for the Hard to Employ and a Proposal for a More Humane Alternative

Randall G. Shelden, Gene Warfare

Joe Sim, ‘One Thousand Days of Degradation’: New Labour and Old Compromises at the Turn of the Century

Eamonn Carrabine, Maggy Lee, and Nigel South, Social Wrongs and Human Rights in Late Modern Britain: Social Exclusion, Crime Control, and Prospects for a Public Criminology

Patrick F. Gillham and Gary T. Marx, Complexity and Irony in Policing and Protesting: The World Trade Organization in Seattle

Thomas L. Dumm, Enlightenment as Punishment

Tony G. Poveda, American Exceptionalism and the Death Penalty

Stuart Henry and Dragan Milovanovic, Constitutive Criminology: Origins, Core Concepts, and Evaluation

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