Hedy Red Dexter and J.M. Lagrander



Bible Devotionals Justify Traditional Gender Roles: A Political Agenda That Affects Social Policy

Dexter takes seriously efforts by conservative Christian groups like Focus on the Family, the Christian Coalition, and the Promise Keepers that use grass-roots politics to recruit families in support of traditional, “profamily” methods that sanction a traditional (male dominated) division of labor through their ministries, radio, publications, tapes, films, and bibles. Dexter takes to task the contention of such groups that they lack a political agenda and reveals the social policies embedded in their primary documents and lobbying efforts.

gender , Christianity — Christian right — sex roles, right [the] — Christian right — sex roles, sex role — Christian right, Focus on the Family, the Christian Coalition, and the Promise Keepers

Citation: Social Justice Vol. 26, No. 1 (1999): 99-114