Immigration: A Civil Rights Issue for the Americas in the 21st Century, Vol. 23: 3, 1996



Susanne Jonas and Suzie Dod Thomas

Public policy on immigration will be central to determining the form and character of US society in the 21st century. The political Right has so far seized the initiative in defining the parameters of that discussion, in effect limiting national debate to choosing between degrees of restrictionism. Immigration: A Civil Rights Issue for the Americas fills an important gap in existing literature on immigration by providing a variety of perspectives among those who agree that immigrants have rights, but may differ about how to assert those rights. This outstanding collection of essays is written by some of the most notable scholars in the area of immigration and will be valuable for classroom use and beyond because of the readable and accessible style of the articles. Calling upon that which is best in the democratic heritage of the United States, this collection challenges the historic and ongoing civil rights struggle to adopt a global perspective that includes the civil rights of all immigrants, whether documented or undocumented. In addition, the book takes on issues that are relevant to every day realities in most communities throughout the United States. Its premise is that, despite the fact that states claim the sovereign right to control their borders, migrants who cross borders bring inalienable rights with them.

Purchase articles (click on the author link to read the abstract and buy the pdf):

Susanne Jonas and Suzie Dod Thomas, Editors’ Introduction: Immigration, a Civil Rights Issue

Saskia Sassen, Beyond Sovereignty: Immigration Policy Making Today

Néstor Rodríguez, The Battle for the Border: Notes on Autonomous Migration, Transnational Communities, and the State

Linda Miller Matthei, Gender and International Labor Migration: A Networks Approach

John Isbister, Are Immigration Controls Ethical?

Susanne Jonas, Rethinking Immigration Policy and Citizenship in the Americas: A Regional Framework

J.C. Malone, Riding the Non-Stop Immigration Roller Coaster (A True Story)

John Horton, The Chinese Suburban Immigration and Political Diversity in Monterey Park, California

Nestor Rodriguez, U.S. Immigration and Intergroup Relations in the Late 20th Century: African Americans and Latinos

Lowell Sachs, Treacherous Waters in Turbulent Times: Navigating the Recent Sea Change in U.S. Immigration Policy and Attitudes

David Bacon, For an Immigration Policy Based on Human Rights

Sara Diamond, Right-Wing Politics and the Anti-Immigration Cause

Michael Welch, The Immigration Crisis: Detention as an Emerging Mechanism of Social Control


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