Philomena Mariani, ed.
This issue on the antiterrorist state and articles solicited before September 11 in which contributors explore the relationship between neoliberalism and models of criminal justice, the political and ideological factors driving criminal justice policy in the United States, and the willingness of other countries to follow the United States in adopting the most punitive forms of social control. Responding to the purported urgency of crime control and the public’s demand for security at any cost, the prison-industrial complex was massively expanded, punishments became increasingly harsh, policing practices brutal and corrupt, and defendants’ rights eroded. Meanwhile, retreating from every social obligation save the selective enforcement of order, the neoliberal state polices the street and the workplace–rather than Wall Street and the boardroom, where the real explosion in crime has occurred.
Purchase articles (click on the author link to read the abstract and buy the pdf):
Editors, Editors’ Comment [Free Download]
Philomena Mariani, Issue Overview: Law, Order, and Neoliberalism [Free Download]
Gregory Shank, Limitation of War and the Pursuit of Justice
Christian Parenti, America’s Jihad: A History of Origins
Ed McCaughan, Violence, Inequality, and the ‘Civilized’ World
Cecilia O’Leary and Tony Platt, Pledging Allegiance: The Revival of Prescriptive Patriotism
Esther Madriz, Terrorism and Structural Violence
Cindi Katz, The State Goes Home: Local Hypervigilance of Children and the Global Retreat from Social Reproduction
Diana R. Gordon, Side by Side: Neoliberalism and Crime Control in Post-Apartheid South Africa
Neil Smith, Global Social Cleansing: Postliberal Revanchism and the Export of Zero Tolerance
Eric Klinenberg, Bowling Alone, Policing Together
Loïc Wacquant, The Advent of the Penal State Is Not a Destiny
Vivien Stern, An Alternative Vision: Criminal Justice Developments in Non-Western Countries
Laureen Snider, Crimes Against Capital: Discovering Theft of Time
R.T. Naylor, License to Loot: A Critique of Follow-the-Money Methods in Crime Control Policy