Structures of Power and Inequality, Vol. 24: 1, 1997


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Gregory Shank (coord.)

This issue has a dual, but related focus: structural forces in the form of dominance based on race and gender within the United States and the integrative mechanisms operating at the hemispheric and global levels that reproduce global poverty and North-South disparities. This ensemble of forces conditions the tasks facing communities of resistance. In a period of apparent setbacks, contributors to this issue offer glimmers of hope and modest policy proposals that could help advance an agenda for promoting racial equality, reducing interethnic conflict and violence against women, and beginning to visualize a notion of civil society at a hemispheric level.

Purchase articles (click on the author link to read the abstract and buy the pdf):

Gregory Shank, Issue Overview: Structures of Power and Inequality [Free Download]

Anthony M. Platt, The Land That Never Has Been Yet: U.S. Race Relations at the Crossroads

Margo Okazawa-Rey and Marshall Wong, Organizing in Communities of Color: Addressing Inter-Ethnic Conflicts

Mark Koetting and Vincent Schiraldi, Singapore West: The Incarceration of 200,000 Californians

Neil Websdale and Byron Johnson, Reducing Woman Battering: The Role of Structural Approaches

Joan Hoffman, Macroeconomic Indicators and New York City Women’s Drug Arrests

William Felice, The Copenhagen Summit: A Victory far the World Bank?

Andre C. Drainville, Continental Integration and Civil Society in the Americas

Catherine Connolly and Julie Tennant-Burt, The NAFTA Agreement and U.S. Labor Discrimination

Dragan Petrovec, Resurrection of Victims in Eastern Europe

Earl Coleman, Siblings

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