Digital Technologies and Pedagogies
The authors share their experiences with using New Media to change approaches to teaching and learning. Their four essays are snapshots of how they have developed technology-enhanced classrooms into places of active inquiry and authorship. Weis teaches African American History students how to conduct archival research in web-based historic sites and repositories, and to construct collaborative interpretations in PowerPoint. Benmayor incorporates Digital Storytelling in her Latina Life Stories class. O’Leary instructs students how to construct Digital Histories, many of which are family oral histories. The digital storytelling form authorizes them to lay claim to their own histories, their own voice, and to use primary sources in authoritative ways. Eynon works with a predominantly immigrant student body of color. His students conduct oral histories with their peers and develop electronic portfolios, in which hypertext facilitates multifaceted self-representation.
multiculturalism, digital technologies — pedagogies, teaching, African Americans — history, computers — education, education — multiculturalism, history — oral history, narratives
Citation: Social Justice Vol. 29, No. 4 (2002): 153-167