Gwyn Kirk and Margo Okazawa-Rey, eds.
This issue makes practical links between US domestic and foreign policy, with articles on most crucial regions of the world and an emphasis on the work of activists. With US military spending already exceeding the military budgets of the next 12 countries combined, communities around the world and in the United States are negatively affected by bases, operations, and skewed budgetary priorities. Part I covers demilitarization and other transnational concerns, from the WTO, controlling and reducing arms proliferation, supporting border communities and migrant workers, and building cooperative political organizations, to redirecting investment to meet human needs. Part II includes documents concerned with demilitarization and positive visions of sustainability and genuine global security, one based on sustainable environmental and economic principles, accountable political systems, and sturdy connections among people that acknowledge and transcend identities and territories. This volume examines the intersectionality of gender, race, class, and nation, as well as the historical and contemporary interconnections among economic domination, militarism, colonization, and imperialism. The editors are particularly concerned with how militarism–a profoundly masculinist institution, although varying somewhat from nation to nation–affects women and draws on deep-seated patriarchal assumptions about women’s roles, capabilities, and sexuality.
Purchase articles (click on the author link to read the abstract and buy the pdf):
Gwyn Kirk and Margo Okazawa-Rey, Neoliberalism, Militarism, and Armed Conflict: An Introduction [Free Download]
Steven Staples, The Relationship Between Globalization and Militarism
Michael Renner, Table 1: International Water Disputes
Ian Smillie, Getting to the Heart of the Matter: Sierra Leone, Diamonds, and Human Security
Maria Jimenez, with Rebecca Phares, The U.S.-Mexico Border: A Strategy of Low-Intensity Conflict
Tamar Gabelnick and Anna Rich, Globalized Weaponry
John Feffer, Gunboat Globalization: The Intersection of Economics and Security in East Asia
Justin Delacour, Plan Colombia: Rhetoric, Reality, and the Press
Tony Ward and Penny Green, Legitimacy, Civil Society, and State Crime
Karen Talbot, The Real Reasons for War in Yugoslavia: Backing Up Globalization with Military Might
Adel Samara, Globalization, the Palestinian Economy, and the ‘Peace Process’
Ruth Leger Sivard, Table 2: Choices — Costs of Protection
Ichiyo Muto, Redefine and Practice Our Peace, Our Security, If They Do Theirs
Committee for Human Rights in Puerto Rico (Sponsor), International Tribunal on Violation of Human Rights in Puerto Rico and Vieques by the United States of America
Rafael Cancel Miranda, Powers Held by the United States over Puerto Rico
West African Workshop on Women, Declaration of the African Women’s Anti-War Coalition
Farliz Calle, The Children’s Movement for Peace in Colombia
Women’s Pentagon Action, Unity Statement
East Asia-U.S. Women’s Network Against Militarism, International Women’s Summit to Redefine Security: Final Statement
Francine D’Amico, Globalizing Forces: Essay Review of Maneuvers: The International Politics of Militarizing Women’s Lives