Bob Weiss, ed.
This issue of Social Justice discusses the current resurgence, global expansion, and market concentration of the private security industry. Privatization of police, prisons, and the military is addressed in terms of the United States, China, Latin America, the UK, Australia, and South Africa. The issue covers capturing new capitalist frontiers; global market opportunities in privatized punishment; privatized military industry in an era of weak and failed states; and issues of accountability. 224 pages.
Purchase articles (click on the author link to read the abstract and buy the pdf):
Bob Weiss, Introduction: From Cowboy Detectives to Soldiers of Fortune: The Recrudescence of Primitive Accumulation Security and Its Contradictions on the New Frontiers of Capitalist Expansion
Mark Ungar, The Privatization of Citizen Security in Latin America: From Elite Guards to Neighborhood Vigilantes
Sue Trevaskes, The Private/Public Security Nexus in China
Michael Welch and Fatiniyah Turner, Private Corrections, Financial Infrastructure, and Transportation: The New Geo-Economy of Shipping Prisoners
Greg McElligott, Bearing the Neoconservative Burden? Frontline Work in Prisons
Craig Paterson, Commercial Crime Control and the Electronic Monitoring of Offenders in England and Wales
David Whyte, Market Patriotism and the “War on Terror”
Vincenzo Ruggiero, Privatizing International Conflict: War as Corporate Crime
Laura Dickinson, Public Participation/Private Contract
Brian Gran and William Henry, Holding Private Prisons Accountable: A Socio-Legal Analysis of Prison Contracts
Sabelo Gumedze, Regulating the Private Security Sector in South Africa
Wm. C. Peters, The State That Signed a Contract Felled the City: One Voice at the Intersection of Public War and Private Profit