Sexuality, Criminalization, and Social Control Action Research, Vol. 37:1, 2010


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Clare Sears, Andreanna Clay, Jessica Fields, and Alexis Martinez

This issue of Social Justice examines aspects of the sexual politics of criminalization in the context of a three-decade long strategy for increasingly managing social problems through penal measures. To date, scholars have critically considered race in studies of criminalization, examining the severe and disproportionate effects on low-income communities and communities of color. They have also analyzed the gendered dynamics of incarceration. This special issue builds upon existing scholarship, by investigating multiple relationships between sexuality, criminalization, and social control.

Purchase articles (click on the author link to read the abstract and buy the pdf):

Clare Sears, Introduction: Sexuality, Criminalization, and Social Control [Free Download]

Lisa Pasko, Setting the Record ‘Straight’: Girls, Sexuality, and the Juvenile Correctional System

Michelle VanNatta, Conceptualizing and Stopping State Sexual Violence Against Incarcerated Women

Elias Vitulli, Racialized Criminality and the Imprisoned Trans Body: Adjudicating Access to Gender-Related Medical Treatment in Prisons

Jin Haritaworn, Queer Injuries: The Racial Politics of ‘Homophobic Hate Crime in Germany’

Rachel Lewis, Lesbians under Surveillance: Same-Sex Immigration Reform, Gay Rights, and the Problem of Queer Liberalism

Penelope Saunders and Jennifer Kirby, Move Along: Community-based Research into the Policing of Sex Work in Washington, D.C.

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