Policing Globopolis
This article describes the global emergence of a new paradigm for urban policing, which the authors call “policing Globopolis.” The chief characteristics of policing Globopolis are rhetorics based on “zero tolerance,” neoliberal or “pluralized” and fragmented policing, and dependence on advanced technologies of surveillance and control. The aim of policing in Globopolis is to enforce social exclusion. The result of policing in Globopolis is to reinforce societal and individual alienation, which is antithetical to good social order. The paradoxical effect of policing in Globopolis is that, the more public and private forms of security provision increase, the greater is the overall sense of insecurity, which results in ever-greater efforts to enforce security in an increasing insecurity-control spiral. This is the security-control paradox that lies at the heart of policing Globopolis.
policing social exclusion, insecurity, security-control paradox
Citation: Social Justice Vol. 38, Nos. 1-2 (2011-12): 184-202.
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