Melissa Moreno, ed.
In this issue of Social Justice, authors call for citizenship inclusion of young Latinas/os in schools and society, since they are a politically underrepresented emerging “majority” in California and other states. How should la gente (the people), Latina/o families and their community allies, contend with the power imbued in citizenship ideologies and practices in schools, communities, and national forums? In this volume, educational scholars define citizenship as rooted in the daily teaching and learning practices of la gente, a group often excluded from democratic processes. Traditional approaches rigidly define citizenship in terms of national legal status, e.g., legal documentation. This conception overlooks an understanding of citizenship conditions in everyday life, especially in communities with members whose citizenship status varies greatly. Drawing upon ethnographic research, case studies, and personal testimonies, contributors explore citizenship as a “lived” experience. By using educational, feminist, and cultural citizenship perspectives, authors examine the intersection of citizenship theories, practice, and la voz (the voice) of Latinas/os in schools, communities, and society.
Purchase articles (click on the author link to read the abstract and buy the pdf):
Melissa Moreno, Introduction to Citizenship Surveillance of La Gente [Free Download]
Veronica Vélez, Lindsay Perez Huber, Corina Benavides Lopez, Ariana de la Luz, and Daniel Solórzano, Battling for Human Rights and Social Justice: A Latina/o Critical Race Media Analysis of Latina/o Student Youth Activism in the Wake of 2006 Anti-Immigrant Sentiment
Dolores Delgado Bernal, Enrique Alemán, Jr., and Judith Flores Carmona, Transnational and Transgenerational Latina/o Cultural Citizenship Among Kindergarteners, Their Parents, and University Students in Utah
Melissa Moreno, Lessons of Belonging and Citizenship Among Hijas/os de Inmigrantes Mexicanos
David Alberto Quijada, Reconciling Research, Rallies, and Citizenship: Reflections on Youth Led Diversity Workshops and Intercultural Alliances
Luis Urrieta, Jr., and Michelle Reidel, Citizenship Normalizing and White Preservice Social Studies Teachers