Public Health in the 1990s: In the Shadow of Global Transformation and Militarism, Vol. 22: 4, 1995


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Edited by Patrice Sutton and Robert Gould

Public Health in the 1990s is an excellent compendium of some of the most important global public health issues that we currently face, including violence, occupational and environmental health, women’s health, AIDS, health care delivery, landmines, chemical and nuclear weapons, and nuclear waste cleanup. Among the contributions are articles by American Public Health Association former President Victor W. Sidel, M.D., as well as by its President-Elect, Barry Levy, M.D., M.P.H. Jody Williams subsequently won the Nobel Peace Prize for her work on landmines. This 175-page book will serve as an inexpensive classroom reader. It is also a reference document, teaching tool, and a source of inspiration to social activism.

Purchase articles (click on the author link to read the abstract and buy the pdf):

Patrice Sutton and Robert Gould, Introduction: Public Health in the 1990s

John McMurtry, The Social Immune System and the Cancer Stage of Capitalism

Thomas Bodenheimer, The Industrial Revolution in Health Care

Gilbert Elbaz, Beyond Anger: The Activist Construction of the AIDS Crisis

Barry S. Levy, Health and Social Effects of Worldwide Economic Transformation: Focus on Occupational and Environmental Health

Emily Merideth and Garrett Brown, The Maquiladora Health and Safety Support Network: Case Study of Public Health Without Borders

Janet Gottschalk, Cairo to Beijing: Disaster Averted?

Jody Williams, Landmines: A Global Socioeconomic Crisis

Velma L. Campbell and J. Ross Vincent, Chemical Weapons Destruction: A Window of Opportunity

Michael Veiluva, Federal Responsibilities and Realities: An Alternative View of the Cleanup of the Nuclear Weapons Complex

Jacqueline Cabasso and Patrice Sutton, Nuclear Weapons: Now and Forever? The Role of Laboratory-Based Testing in Maintaining Nuclear Weapons

Victor W. Sidel and Robert C. Wesley, Jr., Violence as a Public Health Problem: Lessons for Action Against Violence by Health Care Professionals from the Work of the International Physicians Movement for the Prevention of Nuclear War

Robert Gould, Review of Understanding Health Policy: A Clinical Approach, by Thomas Bodenheimer and Kevin Grumbach

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