The Intersection of Ideologies of Violence, Vol. 30: 3, 2003



Alberto Arenas, Gilberto Arriaza, and Victoria Sanford, eds.

This issue explains violence at the local and global levels, as well as its manifestations in society’s structural, material, cultural, and political spheres. Four central ideologies of violence discussed are patriarchal domination, white supremacy, religious fundamentalism, and savage competition and individualism, nurtured by an extreme concentration of wealth and widespread poverty. Beyond addressing the enactment of violence through these ideologies, the articles propose transformative strategies. New discourses covered include the role of the state and social movements, identity politics as a transformative agent, the combined power of ethnicity, class, and gender politics as an organizing force, the promises and restrictions of human rights litigation, rescuing the vocational value embedded in the act of work, and the use of film as an instrument that goes beyond denunciation to offer critical pedagogies to counter the politics of fear prevalent in societies such as the United States. The issue is 160 pages long, with 12 unique contributions.

Purchase articles (click on the author link to read the abstract and buy the pdf):

Gilberto Arriaza, Overview: The Intersection of Ideologies of Violence [Free Download]

Sangeeta Kamat and Biju Mathew, Mapping Political Violence in a Globalized World: The Case of Hindu Nationalism

Mariana Mora, The Imagination to Listen: Reflections on a Decade of Zapatista Struggle

Betsy Ogburn Konefal, Defending the Pueblo: Indigenous Identity and Struggles for Social Justice in Guatemala, 1970 to 1980

Asale Angel-Ajani, The Racial Economies of Criminalization, Immigration, and Policing in Italy

Victoria Sanford, Learning to Kill by Proxy: Colombian Paramilitaries and the Legacy of Central American Death Squads, Contras, and Civil Patrols

Ronnie Casella, The False Allure of Security Technologies

Alberto Arenas, In Defense of Good Work: Jobs, Violence, and the Ethical Dimension

Deborah Cook, Legitimacy and Political Violence: A Habermasian Perspective

Rosario Ordoñez-Jasís and Pablo Jasís, Bowling for Columbine: Critically Interrogating the Industry of Fear

Julia C. Sudbury, Toward a Holistic Anti-Violence Agenda: Women of Color as Radical Bridge-Builders. An Introduction to the ‘Critical Resistance-Incite! Statement’

Critical Resistance and Incite!, Critical Resistance-Incite! Statement on Gender Violence and the Prison-Industrial Complex in the United States

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