Vol. 46-1 – Unsettling Debates: Women and Peace Making



Unsettling Debates: Women and Peace Making
edited by Suzy Kim, Gwyn Kirk, and M. Brinton Lykes

This issue presents a critical exploration of women’s past contributions and future potential in making peace. Adopting a transnational perspective, the contributors highlight the various ways in which women seeking a just peace have organized against militarized patriarchy and its forms of structural violence within and across communities and nation states.


Editors’ Introduction [free pdf download]
Suzy Kim, Gwyn Kirk, and M. Brinton Lykes

Cascading Movements for Peace: From Women Strike for Peace to UNSCR 1325
Cora Weiss

Why Women?
Gwyn Kirk

Nationizing Coalition and Solidarity Politics for US Antimilitarist Feminists
Margo Okazawa-Rey

Accompanying Maya Women: Armed Resistance and Transitional Justice Struggles
M. Brinton Lykes

Beyond Cold War Women: The Peace versus Freedom Debate Revisited
Suzy Kim

Women Making Peace in Korea: The DMZ Ecofeminist Farm Project
Ahn-Kim JeongAe

Peace, Praxis, and Women Farmers in China
Tani Barlow

A Lot Like War: Petrocapitalism, “Slow Violence,” and the Struggle for Environmental Justice
Rebecca O. Johnson

Suzy Kim, Gwyn Kirk, and M. Brinton Lykes

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