Theresa Montaño, Sharon H. Ulanoff, Rosalinda Quintanar-Sarellana, and Lynne Aoki



The DEbilingualization of California’s Prospective Bilingual Teachers

This article explores the impact of recent credential reform in California (SB 2042) on the preparation of bilingual teachers within the state. Bilingual teacher educators throughout the state were surveyed and interviewed regarding changes to their bilingual credential programs. Findings indicate that there have been major changes to the delivery of instruction for prospective bilingual teachers. These changes include “infusion” of bilingual content into methodology courses, elimination and/or reduction of courses related to bilingual pedagogy, and reductions in the numbers of students of color in teacher education programs. These changes have implications for the bilingual teaching force that will negatively affect access and equity to instruction for English-language learners.

teacher preparation, bilingual education, educational reform

Citation: Social Justice Vol. 32, No. 3 (2005): 103-121.