(Click on any author’s name to download the pdf)
1979–1974 (Nos. 12 through 1)
2015– | 2014–2010 | 2009–2005 | 2004–2000 | 1999–1995 | 1994–1990 | 1989–1985 | 1984–1980
No. 12 (1979) Articles on Women
Editors, Overview of “Women: Rape, Prostitution, and Battery”
Russell Hogg, Imprisonment and Society Under Early British Capitalism
Dorie Klein, Can This Marriage Be Saved? Battery and Sheltering
Rosa del Olmo, The Cuban Revolution and the Struggle Against Prostitution
June Kress, Bourgeois Morality and the Administration of Justice
Anthony M. Platt and Paul Takagi, The American Society of Criminology: A Continuing Debate
John Horton, Stuart Hall, et al., Policing the Crisis: Mugging, the State, and Law and Order
Julia R. Schwendinger and Herman Schwendinger, Lynda Lytle Holmstrom and Ann Wolbert Burgess, The Victim of Rape: Institutional Reactions; Lorenne M.G. Clark and Deborah J. Lewis, Rape: The Price of Coercive Sexuality
Larry Trujillo, Joan W. Moore et al., Homeboys: Gangs, Drugs, and Prisons in the Barrios of Los Angeles
No. 11 (Spring-Summer 1979)
Editors, On the American Society of Criminology
Anthony M. Platt and Paul Takagi, Biosocial Criminology: A Critique
Alan A. Block and William J. Chambliss, Miners, Tailors, and Teamsters: Business Racketeering and Trade Unions
Stephen J. Pfohl, Deciding on Dangerousness: Predictions of Violence as Social Control
John F. Galliher, Government Research Funding and Purchased Virtue: Some Examples from Criminology
Paul Takagi, LEAA’s Research Solicitation: Police Use of Deadly Force
Gregory Shank, Michael Ignatieff, A Just Measure of Pain
Richard Speiglman, Andrew Scull, Decarceration
Argenis Riera, Latin American Radical Criminology
No. 10 (Fall-Winter 1978)
Georg Rusche, Labor Market and Penal Sanction: Thoughts on the Sociology of Criminal Justice (Translated by Gerda Dinwiddie)
Ivan Jankovic, Social Class and Criminal Sentencing
James Garofalo, Radical Criminology and Criminal Justice: Points of Divergence and Contact
John F. Galliher and Allynn Walker, The Politics of Systematic Research Error: The Case of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics as a Moral Entrepreneur
Luis Talamantez, Poems: The Caged Bird; Unheralded Death of a Brother
Gregory Shank, J. Thorsten Sellin, Pioneering in Penology and Slavery and the Penal System
Barry Winograd, Michael Belknap, Cold War Political Justice: The Smith Act, the Communist Party, and American Civil Liberties
No. 9 (Spring-Summer 1978)
Paul Takagi and Anthony M. Platt, Behind the Gilded Ghetto: An Analysis of Race, Class, and Crime in Chinatown
Anthony M. Platt, Street Crime: A View from the Left
Robert Weiss, The Emergence and Transformation of Private Detective Industrial Policing in the United States, 1850-1940
Edward Greer, The Class Nature of the Urban Police During the Period of Black Municipal Power
Gerda Ray, Class, Race and the Police: A Critique of The Class Nature of the Urban Police During the Period of Black Municipal Power
Edward Greer, A Reply to the “Critique”
Dario Melossi, Georg Rusche and Otto Kirchheimer, Punishment and Social Structure
Anne K. Peters, Carol Smart, Women, Crime and Criminology
No. 8 (Fall-Winter 1977)
Anthony M. Platt and Paul Takagi, Intellectuals for Law and Order: A Critique of the New “Realists”
Ivan Jankovic, Labor Market and Imprisonment
Sid Harring, Tony Platt, Richard Speiglman, and Paul Takagi, The Management of Police Killings
Alfred McClung Lee, Imperialism, Class and Northern Ireland’s Civil War
Conn Malachi Hallinan, The Subjugation and Division of Ireland: Testing Ground for Colonial Policy
Gill H. Boehringer and Donna Giles, Criminology and Neocolonialism: The Case of Papua New Guinea
Paul E. Lawson, A Further Look at Police Militancy and Collective Bargaining
Gerda Ray, A Reply to Paul Lawson
Anne K. Peters, Review of Adler, Sisters in Crime
Anthony M. Platt, Review of Schlossman, Love and the American Delinquent
Mike Davis, Review of Ringenbach, Tramps and Reformers, 1873-1916
Arturo Biblarz, A Critique of Textbooks on Deviancy
No. 7 (Spring-Summer 1977)
Editors, Berkeley School of Criminology Abolished
Herman Schwendinger and Julia R. Schwendinger, Social Class and the Definition of Crime
James F. Petras, Chile: Crime, Class Consciousness and the Bourgeoisie
Richard Speiglman, Prison Psychiatrists and Drugs: A Case Study
Gerda Ray, Police Militancy
Michal R. Belknap, The Mechanics of Repression: J. Edgar Hoover, The Bureau of Investigation and the Radicals 1917-1925
Steve Hassett, Building the Anti S-1 Movement in Buffalo
Karlene Faith, Learning to Teach: Radical Education and Criminal Justice System Workers
Dorie Klein, Introduction: Radical Pedagogy and State Workers
Raymond J. Michalowski, A Gentle Pedagogy: Teaching Critical Criminology in the South
No. 6 (Fall-Winter 1976)
Crime and Social Justice Collective, Issues in Criminology Merges with Crime and Social Justice
Crime and Social Justice Collective, Editorial: Berkeley’s School of Criminology, 1950-1976
Peter Linebaugh, Karl Marx, the Theft of Wood, and Working Class Composition: A Contribution to the Current Debate
Joseph G. Weis, Liberation and Crime: The Invention of the New Female Criminal
Renée Goldsmith Kasinsky, The Continental Channeling of American Vietnam War Refugees
Robert Mintz, Federal Prison Industry — “The Green Monster” Part One — History and Background
Bob Martin, The Massachusetts Correctional System: Treatment as an Ideology for Control
Karen Wald, The San Quentin Six Case: Perspective and Analysis
Debby Begel, An Interview with Willie Tate
Robbie Newton, Re: The Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Julia R. Schwendinger and Herman Schwendinger, A Review of Rape Literature
Gerda Ray, Review of Hay et al., Albion’s Fatal Tree: Crime and Society in Eighteenth Century England, and Thompson, Whigs and Hunters: The Origin of the Black Act
No. 5 (Spring-Summer 1976)
Crime and Social Justice Collective, Editorial: The Politics of Street Crime
Crime and Social Justice Collective, Network Building: A Clarification
Herman Schwendinger and Julia R. Schwendinger, Delinquency and the Collective Varieties of Youth
Dario Melossi, The Penal Question in Capital
Dorie Klein and June Kress, Any Woman’s Blues: A Critical Overview of Women, Crime, and the Criminal Justice System
Marion Political Collective, Notes of a Prison Collective
Sidney L. Harring, The Development of the Police Institution in the United States
Paul Takagi, Revising Liberal Conceptions of Penal Reform: A Bibliographic Overview
Patricia A. Morgan, Review of Helmer, Drugs and Minority Oppression
Sally Soladay, Introduction to the Billingslea Letter
Kumasi, The Billingslea Letter
No. 4 (Fall-Winter 1975)
Social Justice Collective, Editorial
Sidney L. Harring and Lorraine M. McMullin, The Buffalo Police 1872-1900: Labor Unrest, Political Power, and the Creation of the Police Institution
Gregory McLauchlan, LEAA: A Case Study in the Development of the Social Industrial Complex
George Knox, Multi-Method Research on Punitive Captivity: A Discussion Based on Insurgent Practicum
Prison Action Project, The Struggle Inside
Austin T. Turk, Prospects and Pitfalls for Radical Criminology: A Critical Response to Platt
Mary Marzotto, Anthony M. Platt, and Annika Snare, A Reply to Austin Turk
European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control, Manifesto (1974)
Yvon Dandurand, Radical Criminology in Canada
Richard Ayre, Researching Crime and U.S. Society
Sidney L. Harring, Review of: Center for Research on Criminal Justice, The Iron Fist and the Velvet Glove
David Stratman, Review of Wilson, Thinking About Crime and Quinney, Criminology: Analysis and Critique of Crime in America
Joe Fashing, Review of: Newt Davidson Collective, Crisis at CUNY
Michael T. Ort, Review of: Schwendinger and Schwendinger, Sociologists of the Chair
No. 3 (Summer 1975)
Editors, An Editorial Note
Gregg Barak, In Defense of the Rich: The Emergence of the Public Defender
Joel Swartz, Silent Killers at Work
Rosa del Olmo, Limitations for the Prevention of Violence: The Latin American Reality and Its Criminological Theory
Michael Hannigan and Anthony M. Platt, Interview with Angela Davis
Raymond J. Michalowski, The Case of the Charlotte Three
Editors, The Case of Joanne Little; Joanne Little, Poems
Prisoners Against Rape, Prisoners Against Rape; Prisoners Against Rape, Poem
Ang Kaputinan, The Struggle Against Martial Law in the Philippines
John Baumann, Proceeding: Meeting of Radical Criminologists
Velia Garcia-Hancock, American Justice and La Raza Communities (Course Outline and Bibliography)
Erik Wright, Current Controversies in Marxist Social Science (Course Outline and Bibliography)
June Kress, Forming Collectives: Writing as Political Practice
James Brady, Dialectics of Guerrilla Theater: An Approach to Radical Education
Larry Trujillo, Review of: Platt and Cooper, Policing America, and Skolnick and Gray, Police in America
Annika Snare, Review of Mathiesen, The Politics of Abolition
Drew Humphries, Review of Reasons (ed.), The Criminologist: Crime and the Criminal, and Quinney (ed.), Criminal Justice in America: A Critical Understanding
Suzie Dod, Review of: Women Endorsing Decriminalization, Prostitution, A Non-Victim Crime?
Issue No. 2 (Fall-Winter 1974)
Editors, A Note to Our Readers
Ekalavya, Political Repression, Political Prisoners: Fighting the Class War in India
Robert Cantor, New Laws for a New Society
Falco Werkentin, Michael Hofferbert, and Michael Baurmann, Criminology as Police Science or: “How Old Is the New Criminology?”
Michael Hannigan and Richard Schauffler, Criminology at Berkeley: Resisting Academic Repression, Part II
Nguyen Khac Vien, With Survivors from Saigon Jails
Norma Stafford, Poems and Writings
Editors, Santa Cruz Women’s Prison Project
Joe Luttner, Peter Miller, and Sharman Murphy, Resisting the Police-Industrial Complex in Santa Cruz
Dan Siegel, Justice for Tyrone Guyton
Mark Schwartz, San Quentin on Trial
Luis Talamantez, Poems
Editors, Movement Connections
Bruce Rappaport, Towards a Marxist Theory and Practice of Teaching
Paul Takagi, The Correctional System (Course Outline and Bibliography)
Mimi Goldman, Prostitution in America (Course Outline and Bibliography)
Peter Shapiro, History of the U.S. Left in the 20th Century (Course Outline and Bibliography)
Editors, Political Films
Elliott Currie, Review of Taylor, Walton, and Young, The New Criminology
Dorie Klein, Review of DeCrow, Sexist Justice
Mary Marzotto, A Comment on the History of Socialist Criminology: Response to David Greenberg’s Review
David Greenberg, Reply to Mary Marzotto’s Comments
Issue No. 1 (Spring-Summer 1974)
Herman Schwendinger, Editorial
Anthony M. Platt, Prospects for a Radical Criminology in the United States
Drew Humphries, Report of the Conference of the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control
Julia R. Schwendinger and Herman Schwendinger, Rape Myths: In Legal, Theoretical and Everyday Practice
Paul Takagi, A Garrison State in a “Democratic” Society
Anthony M. Platt, Introduction: Praxis
Huey P. Newton, A Citizens’ Peace Force
Steve Wasserman, Interview with Jim Larson, President of the National Lawyers’ Guild
Thomas Mathiesen, The Prison Movement in Scandinavia
Eugene V. Debs, How I Would Manage the Prison
Editors, Movement Connections
Mary Marzotto, Criminology and Education
Richard Schauffler, Criminology at Berkeley: Resisting Academic Repression
Editors, Teaching Criminology: Always on the Right Side of the Bars (Montreal)
Barry Krisberg, Teaching Radical Criminology (Course Outline and Bibliography)
Lynn Cooper and Richard Speiglman, National Policies in Criminal Justice: The Nixon Years and the Future (Course Outline and Bibliography)
James Brady, Revolutionary Justice in Cuba and China (Course Outline and Bibliography)
Editors, Alternative Educational Institutions: People’s Law School and Liberation School
Elliott Currie, Review of Quinney, Critique of Legal Order
David Greenberg, Review of Darrow, Resist Not Evil and Crime, Its Causes and Treatment, and Debs, Walls and Bars