(Click on any author’s name to download the pdf)
2009–2005 (Vols. 36–32)
2015– | 2014–2010 | 2004–2000 | 1999–1995 | 1994–1990 | 1989–1985 | 1984–1980 | 1979–1974
36:4 (2009) Activist Scholarship: Possibilities and Constraints of Participatory Action Research
Julio Cammarota, The Cultural Organizing of Formal Praxis-Based Pedagogies: A Socio-Historical Approach to Participatory Action Research
Kysa Nygreen, Critical Dilemmas in PAR: Toward a New Theory of Engaged Research for Social Change
Andrea Dyrness, Cultural Exclusion and Critique in the Era of Good Intentions: Using Participatory Research to Transform Parent Roles in Urban School Reform
Patricia Sánchez, ‘In Between Oprah and Cristina’: Urban Latina Youth Producing a Countertext with Participatory Action Research
Emma Fuentes, Learning Power and Building Community: Parent-Initiated Participatory Action Research as a Tool for Organizing Community
Shabnam Koirala-Azad, Exploring the Intersection of Philanthropy, Research, and Scholarship in a Third World Context
Joshua A. Mitchell, Activist Scholarship: A Review of Three Recent Works
36:3 (2009) Resisting State Criminality
David O. Friedrichs, On Resisting State Crime: Conceptual and Contextual Issues
Jeffrey Ian Ross, Resisting the Carceral State: Prisoner Resistance from the Bottom Up
Rob White, Environmental Victims and Resistance to State Crime Through Transnational Activism
Wayne Morrison, Atrocity and the Power of the Image
Ronald C. Kramer, Resisting the Bombing of Civilians: Challenges from a Public Criminology of State Crime
Peter Iadicola, Controlling Crimes of Empire
Dawn L. Rothe, Exploring Post-Resistance to State Criminality: Realpolitik Versus Ideology
Owen Anderson, Review of Rothe, State Criminality
36:2 (2009) Policing, Detention, Deportation, and Resistance
Escobar, Martha, Understanding the Roots of Latina Migrants’ Captivity
Lara, Dulcinea, Dana Greene, and Cynthia Bejarano, A Critical Analysis of Immigrant Advocacy Tropes: How Popular Discourse Weakens Solidarity and Prevents Broad, Sustainable Justice
Lawston, Jodie Michelle and Ruben R. Murillo, The Discursive Figuration of U.S. Supremacy in Narratives Sympathetic to Undocumented Immigrants
McDowell, Meghan G. and Nancy A. Wonders, Keeping Migrants in Their Place: Technologies of Control and Racialized Public Space in Arizona
Diaz-Strong, Daysi, Christina Gómez, María E. Luna-Duarte, Erica R. Meiners, and Luvia Valentin, Commentary: Organizing Tensions-From the Prison to the Military-Industrial Complex
Loyd, Jenna, Andrew Burridge, and Matthew Mitchelson, Thinking (and Moving) Beyond Walls and Cages: Bridging Immigrant Justice and Anti-Prison Organizing in the United States
Anonymous, Some Barriers Detained Migrant Women Face
Morales Guzman, Esther, Imprisonment, Deportation, and Family Separation: My American Nightmare
36:1 (2009) Policing Protest and Youth
Peter Conolly-Smith, ‘Reading Between the Lines’: The Bureau of Investigation, the United States Post Office, and Domestic Surveillance During World War
Stephen Hill and Randall Beger, A Paramilitary Policing Juggernaut
Amory Starr and Luis Fernandez, Legal Control and Resistance Post-Seattle
Paul J. Kaplan, Looking Through the Gaps: A Critical Approach to the LAPD’s Rampart Scandal
Robert Durán, Over-Inclusive Gang Enforcement and Urban Resistance: A Comparison Between Two Cities
Elizabeth Brown, Crime, Governance, and Knowledge Production: The ‘Two Track Common Sense Approach’ to Juvenile Criminality in the United States
Martin Guevara Urbina and William Sakamoto White, Waiving Juveniles to Criminal Court: Court Officials Express Their Thoughts
35:4 (2008) Migrant Labor and Contested Public Space
Adalberto Aguirre, Jr., Immigration on the Public Mind: Immigration Reform in the Obama Administration
Tanya Basok, The Intersections of the Economic and Cultural in the U.S. Labor’s Pro-Migrant Politics
Loren K. Redwood, Strong-Arming Exploitable Labor: The State and Immigrant Workers in the Post-Katrina Gulf Coast
Carol Cleaveland and Laura Kelly, Shared Social Space and Strategies to Find Work: An Exploratory Study of Mexican Day Laborers in Freehold, N.J.
Gregory M. Maney and Margaret Abraham, Whose Backyard? Boundary Making in NIMBY Opposition to Immigrant Services
John Horton, Linda Shaw, and Manuel H. Moreno, Sanctions as Everyday Resistance to Welfare Reform
Adalberto Aguirre, Jr., and Jennifer K. Simmers, Mexican Border Crossers: The Mexican Body in Immigration Discourse
Shabnam Koirala-Azad, From Traitor to Collaborator: Nepali Social Action in the Context of Immigration, Transnationalism, and Diaspora
35:3 (2008) War, Crisis, and Transition
Matthew S. Williams, The Bush Administration, Debt Relief, and the War on Terror: Reforming the International Development System as Part of the Neoconservative Project
Dawn L. Rothe, Christopher W. Mullins, and Kent Sandstrom, The Rwandan Genocide: International Finance Policies and Human Rights
Dawn L. Rothe and Christopher W. Mullins, Building Justice After War: The Use of Multiple Post-Conflict Justice Mechanisms
Rob White, Toxic Cities: Globalizing the Problem of Waste
Nandita Sharma and Cynthia Wright, Decolonizing Resistance, Challenging Colonial States
Margaret Power, Review of J. Patrice McSherry’s Predatory States: Operation Condor and Covert War in Latin America
Scott Gilmore, Review of Darius Rejali’s Torture and Democracy
William F. Felice, Moral Responsibility in a Time of War
35:2 (2008) Asian American and Pacific Islander Population Struggles for Social Justice
Michael Liu and Kim Geron, Changing Neighborhood: Ethnic Enclaves and the Struggle for Social Justice
Jinah Kim, Immigrants, Racial Citizens, and the (Multi)Cultural Politics of Neoliberal Los Angeles
Diane C. Fujino , Race, Place, Space, and Political Development: Japanese-American Radicalism in the “Pre-Movement” 1960s
May Fu, Serve the People and You Help Yourself: Japanese American Anti-Drug Organizing in Los Angeles, 1969 to 1972
Bindi Shah, The Politics of Race and Education: Second-Generation Laotian Women Campaign for Improved Educational Services
Etsuko Maruoka, Wearing “Our Sword”: Post-September 11 Activism Among South Asian Muslim Women Student Organizations in New York
Lisa Sun-Hee Park, Continuing Significance of the Model Minority Myth: The Second Generation
Meera Deo, Christina Chin, Jenny J. Lee, Noriko Milman, and Nancy Wang Yuen, Missing in Action: “Framing” Race in Prime-Time Television
Gregory Shank, Paul T. Takagi Honored
35:1 (2008) Citizenship Surveillance of La Gente: Theory, Practice, and Cultural Citizen Voices
Veronica Vélez, Lindsay Perez Huber, Corina Benavides Lopez, Ariana de la Luz, and Daniel Solórzano, Battling for Human Rights and Social Justice: A Latina/o Critical Race Media Analysis of Latina/o Student Youth Activism in the Wake of 2006 Anti-Immigrant Sentiment
Dolores Delgado Bernal, Enrique Alemán, Jr., and Judith Flores Carmona, Transnational and Transgenerational Latina/o Cultural Citizenship Among Kindergarteners, Their Parents, and University Students in Utah
Melissa Moreno, Lessons of Belonging and Citizenship Among Hijas/os de Inmigrantes Mexicanos
David Alberto Quijada, Reconciling Research, Rallies, and Citizenship: Reflections on Youth Led Diversity Workshops and Intercultural Alliances
Luis Urrieta, Jr., and Michelle Reidel, Citizenship Normalizing and White Preservice Social Studies Teachers
34:3-4 (2007) Securing the Imperium: Criminal Justice Privatization and Neoliberal Globalization
Bob Weiss, Introduction: From Cowboy Detectives to Soldiers of Fortune: The Recrudescence of Primitive Accumulation Security and Its Contradictions on the New Frontiers of Capitalist Expansion
Mark Ungar, The Privatization of Citizen Security in Latin America: From Elite Guards to Neighborhood Vigilantes
Sue Trevaskes, The Private/Public Security Nexus in China
Michael Welch and Fatiniyah Turner, Private Corrections, Financial Infrastructure, and Transportation: The New Geo-Economy of Shipping Prisoners
Greg McElligott, Bearing the Neoconservative Burden? Frontline Work in Prisons
Craig Paterson, Commercial Crime Control and the Electronic Monitoring of Offenders in England and Wales
David Whyte, Market Patriotism and the “War on Terror”
Vincenzo Ruggiero, Privatizing International Conflict: War as Corporate Crime
Laura Dickinson, Public Participation/Private Contract
Brian Gran and William Henry, Holding Private Prisons Accountable: A Socio-Legal Analysis of Prison Contracts
Sabelo Gumedze, Regulating the Private Security Sector in South Africa
Wm. C. Peters, The State That Signed a Contract Felled the City: One Voice at the Intersection of Public War and Private Profit
34:2 (2007) Beyond Transnational Crime
David Friedrichs, Transnational Crime and Global Criminology: Definitional, Typological and Contextual Conundrums
Jude McCulloch, Transnational Crime as Productive Fiction
Nancy A. Wonders, Globalization, Border Reconstruction Projects, and Transnational Crime
Sharon Pickering, Transnational Crime and Refugee Protection
Raymond Michalowski, Border Militarization and Migrant Suffering: A Case of Transnational Social Injury
Leanne Weber, Policing the Virtual Border: Punitive Preemption in Australian Offshore Migration Control
Penny Green, Tony Ward, and Kirsten McConnachie, Logging and Legality: Environmental Crime, Civil Society and the State
Simon R.M. Mackenzie, Transnational Crime, Local Denial
Elizabeth Stanley, Transnational Crime and State-Building: The Case of Timor-Leste
Joo-Cheong Tham, A Risk-Based Analysis of Australia’s Counterterrorism Financing Regime
Dave Whyte, Hire an American! Economic Tyranny and Corruption in Iraq
34:1 (2007) Art, Identity, and Social Justice
Maria X. Martinez, The Art of Social Justice
Victoria Foster, The Art of Empathy: Employing the Arts in Social Inquiry with Poor Working-Class Women
Joanna Gardner-Huggett, The Women Artists’ Cooperative Space as a Site for Social Change: Artemisia Gallery, Chicago (1973-1979)
Edward J. McCaughan, Navigating the Labyrinth of Silence: Feminist Artists in Mexico
Cynthia Fowler, Hybridity as a Strategy for Self-Determination in Contemporary American Indian Art
Ian Gregory Strachan, Theater in the Bush: Art, Politics and Community in the Bahamas
Amy Jo Goddard, Staging Activism: New York City Performing Artists as Cultural Workers
D. Mark Wilson, Post-Pomo Hip-Hop Homos: Hip-Hop Art, Gay Rappers, and Social Change
Alejandra Osorio, Postcards in the Porfirian Imaginary
33:4 (2006) Deaths in Custody and Detention
Bree Carlton, From H Division to Abu Ghraib: Regimes of Justification and the Historical Proliferation of State-Inflicted Terror and Violence in Maximum-Security
Chris Cunneen, Aboriginal Deaths in Custody: A Continuing Systematic Abuse
Barry Goldson, Fatal Injustice: Rampant Punitiveness, Child-Prisoner Deaths, and Institutionalized Denial — A Case for Comprehensive Independent Inquiry in England and Wales
Paul Howard, The Long Kesh Hunger Strikers: 25 Years Later
Jude McCulloch and Vicki Sentas, The Killing of Jean Charles de Menezes: Hyper-Militarism in the Neoliberal Economic Free Fire Zone
Craig W.J. Minogue, Then and Now, Us and Them: A Historical Reflection on Deaths in and out of Custody
Phil Scraton, They’d all love me dead… The Investigation, Inquest, and Implications of the Death of Annie Kelly
Deb Coles and Helen Shaw, Comment: Deaths in Custody-Truth, Justice and Accountability? The Work of INQUEST
Nick Moss, Comment: Racism and Custody Deaths in the U.K.: The Zahid Mubarek Inquiry
Rita Maran, Detention and Torture in Guantanamo
Steve J. Martin, Staff Use of Force in U.S. Confinement Settings: Lawful Control Tactics Versus Corporal Punishment
Bree Carlton, Review of Intractable: Hell Has a Name, Life Inside Australia’s First Super-Max Prison
Anna Eriksson, Review of Global Lockdown: Race, Gender, and the Prison-Industrial Complex
Bill Rolston, Review of Bobby Sands: Nothing but an Unfinished Song
Mumia Abu Jamal, Review of O’Hearn’s Work on Bobby Sands, Unfinished Song
Tony Platt, The Prison Fix: Review of Golden Gulag: Prisons, Surplus, Crisis, and Opposition in Globalizing California
33:3 (2006) Privatization and Resistance: Contesting Neoliberal Globalization
Alan Emery, Privatization, Neoliberal Development, and the Struggle for Workers’ Rights in Post Apartheid South Africa
Matthias Naumann and Markus Wissen, A New Logic of Infrastructure Supply: The Commercialization of Water and the Transformation of Urban Governance in Germany
Ellen Reese, Eric Vega, and Vincentas Rolandas Giedraitis, Welfare Is Not for Sale: Campaigns Against Welfare Profiteers in Milwaukee
Tracy Fisher, Race, Neoliberalism, and “Welfare Reform” in Britain
Volker Eick, Preventive Urban Discipline: Rent-a-cops and Neoliberal Glocalization in Germany
Nik Theodore, Nina Martin, and Ryan Hollon, Securing the City: Emerging Markets in the Private Provision of Security Services in Chicago
Adalberto Aguirre, Jr., and Frances Vu, Eminent Domain and City Redevelopment in California: An Overview and Case Study
Andrej Holm, Urban Renewal and the End of Social Housing: Roll Out of Neoliberalism in East Berlin’s Prenzlauer Berg
Beatriz Garcia Peralta and Andreas Hofer, Housing for the Working Class of Mexico City: A New Version of Gated Communities
Ute Lehrer and Andrea Winkler, Public or Private? The Pope Squat and Housing Struggles in Toronto
John Krinsky, The Dialectics of Privatization and Advocacy in New York City’s Workfare State
Paul Almeida and Erica Walker, The Pace of Neoliberal Globalization: A Comparison of Three Popular Movement Campaigns in Central America
33:2 (2006) Art, Power, and Social Change
Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen, Counterrevolution, the Spectacle, and the Situationist Avant-Garde
Simeon Hunter, Situating Situationism/Supporting Its Legacy–Reply to Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen
Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen, (Not) Being on Time: The Legacy of the Situationist International–Response to Simeon Hunter
Deniz Tekiner, Formalist Art Criticism and the Politics of Meaning
Connie L. McNeely and Gordon Shockley, Deconstructing U.S. Arts Policy: A Dialectical Exposition of the Excellence-Access Debate
William Farge, The Politics of Culture and the Art of Dissent in Early Modern Japan
Ming-cheng M. Lo, Christopher P. Bettinger, and Yun Fan, Deploying Weapons of the Weak in Civil Society: Political Culture in Hong Kong and Taiwan
Andreana Clay, All I Need Is One Mic: Mobilizing Youth for Social Change in the Post-Civil Rights Era
Cynthia Miller, Images from the Streets: Art for Social Change from the Homeless Photography Project
Silvia R. Tandeciarz, Mnemonic Hauntings: Photography as Art of the Missing
Edward J. McCaughan, Notes on Mexican Art, Social Movements, and Anzaldúa’s “Conocimiento”
Maris Bustamante, New Transdisciplinary Visualities as an Alternative to Redistribute the Power of Thought
33:1 (2006) Immigration Rights and National Insecurity
Susanne Jonas, Reflections on the Great Immigration Battle of 2006 and the Future of the Americas
William Walters, Noborder: Games With(out) Frontiers
Bernard Headley, Giving Critical Context to the Deportee Phenomenon
Todd Gordon, Neoliberalism, Racism, and the War on Drugs in Canada
Christie Sennott and John Galliher, Lifetime Felony Disenfranchisement in Florida, Texas, and Iowa: Symbolic and Instrumental Law
Torin Monahan, Securing the Homeland: Torture, Preparedness, and the Right to Let Die
Olga Talamante, interviewed by Suzie Dod Thomas, Dirty Wars: On the Unacceptability of Torture — A Conversation
Robert P. Weiss, The American Culture of Torture: A Review Essay
Donald Gutierrez, Review of Gareau, The United States and State Terrorism
Dawn L. Rothe and David O. Friedrichs, The State of the Criminology of Crimes of the State
Simon Mackenzie, Systematic Crimes of the Powerful: Criminal Aspects of the Global Economy
Tony Platt, In and out of the Shadow of the Holocaust
Elizabeth Martínez, Elect, Select, Reflect
32:4 (2005) Race, Racism, and Empire: Reflections on Canada
Sherene Razack, Geopolitics, Culture Clash, and Gender After September 11
Sedef Arat-Koc, The Disciplinary Boundaries of Canadian Identity After September 11: Civilizational Identity, Multiculturalism, and the Challenge of Anti-Imperialist Feminism
Yasmin Jiwani, The Great White North Encounters September 11: Race, Gender, and Nation in Canada’s National Daily, The Globe and Mail
Andil Gosine, Dying Planet, Deadly People: “Race”-Sex Anxieties and Alternative Globalizations
Narda Razack, Bodies on the Move
Kiran Mirchandani, Gender Eclipsed? Racial Hierarchies in Transnational Call Center Work
Bonita Lawrence and Enakshi Dua, Decolonizing Anti-Racism
Himani Bannerji, Reflections on Class and Race: Building on Marx
Gordon Pon, Antiracism in the Cosmopolis: Race, Class, and Gender in the Lives of Elite Chinese Canadian Women
Jody Nyasha Warner, Africa in Canadian Academic Libraries: A Continent’s Voices Go Missing
32:3 (2005) Waging War over Public Education and Youth Services: Challenging Corporate Control of Our Schools and Communities
Luis Rodriguez, The End of the Line: California Gangs and the Promise of Street Peace
Shawn Ginwright, Julio Cammarota, and Pedro Noguera, Youth, Social Justice, and Communities: Toward a Theory of Urban Youth Policy
Rosemary Henze, Little Sisters: An Exploration of Agency, Borderlands, and Institutional Constraints in the Lives of Two Teenage Girls
Josie Arce, Ali Borjian, Marguerite Conrad, and Debra Luna, No Child Left Behind: Who Wins, Who Loses?
Jabari Mahiri, From the 3 R’s to the 3 C’s: Corporate Curriculum and Culture in Public Schools
Kitty Kelly Epstein, The Whitening of the American Teaching Force: A Problem of Recruitment or a Problem of Racism
Theresa Montaño, Sharon H. Ulanoff, Rosalinda Quintanar-Sarellana, and Lynne Aoki, The DEbilingualization of California’s Prospective Bilingual Teachers
Hernán Vera, Review of Melanie Bush, Breaking the Code of Good Intentions
Renee Shank, Review of Rethinking Mathematics
Ken Kyle, To See or Not to See the Crisis in the Academy: A Call for Action
Adalberto Aguirre and Brooke Johnson, Militarizing Youth in Public Education: Observations from a Military-Style Charter School
Stuart Tannock, Is “Opting Out” Really an Answer? Schools, Militarism, and the Counter-Recruitment Movement in Post-September 11 United States at War
32:2 (2005) The Many Faces of Violence
Gregory Shank, Remembering Andre Gunder Frank
Tony Platt, Steve Wasserman Moves On
Tony Platt , Engaging the Past: Charles M. Goethe, American Eugenics, and Sacramento State University
Ralph Armbruster-Sandoval, Is Another World Possible, Is Another Classroom Possible? Radical Pedagogy, Activism, and Social Change
Ronald Kramer, Raymond Michalowski, and Dawn Rothe, The Supreme International Crime: How the U.S. War in Iraq Threatens the Rule of Law
Laurie Taylor, The Other Side of the Street
Jasmin Hristov, Freedom and Democracy or Hunger and Terror: Neoliberalism and Militarization in Latin America
Anthony W. Pereira and Jorge Zaverucha, The Neglected Stepchild: Military Justice and Democratic Transition in Chile
Donna Baines, Criminalizing the Care Work Zone? The Gendered Dynamics of Using Legal and Administrative Strategies to Confront Workplace Violence
Michael Lenza, David Keys, and Teresa Guess, The Prevailing Injustices in the Application of the Missouri Death Penalty (1978 to 1996)
Dennis Broe, Class, Labor, and the Homefront Detective: Hammett, Chandler, Woolrich, and the Dissident Lawman (and Woman) in 1940s Hollywood and Beyond
32:1 (2005) Emerging Imaginaries of Regulation, Control, and Oppression
Tony Kearon, We Have Never Been Liberal — Bourgeois Identity and the Criminal(ized) Other
Chris Greer and Yvonne Jewkes, Extremes of Otherness: Media Images of Social Exclusion
Simon Hallsworth, The Feminization of the Corporation, the Masculinization of the State
Mark Brown, That Heavy Machine: Reprising the Colonial Apparatus in 21st-Century Social Control
Farid Samir Benavides-Vanegas, From Santander to Camilo and Che: Graffiti and Resistance in Contemporary Colombia
Shani D’Cruze, Negotiating Metropolitan Spaces and Identities: A Historian’s Reading of Tactics in 1920’s New York Homicide Trials
Maggie O’Neill, Phil Woods, and Mark Webster, New Arrivals: Participatory Action Research, Imagined Communities, and “Visions” of Social Justice
Sandra Walklate, Imagining the Crime Victim: The Rhetoric of Victimhood as a Source of Oppression
Steve Hall, Simon Winlow, and Craig Ancrum, Radgies, Gangstas, and Mugs: Imaginary Criminal Identities in the Twilight of the Pseudo-Pacification Process
Jayne Mooney and Jock Young, Imagining Terrorism: Terrorism and Anti-Terrorism Terrorism, Two Ways of Doing Evil
Ronnie Lippens, Deep Structures of Empire: A Note on Imperial Machines and Bodies
2004–2000 >>>