(Click on any author’s name to download the pdf)
2009–2005 | 2004–2000 | 1999–1995 | 1994–1990 | 1989–1985 | 1984–1980 |
1979–1974 |
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41:4 (2014) Youth under Control
Randolph R. Myers & Judah Schept, Editors’ Introduction: Youth under Control: Punishment and “Reform” in the Neoliberal State
Justin Turner, Being Young in the Age of Globalization: A Look at Recent Literature on Neoliberalism’s Effects on Youth
Alexandra Cox, Responsible Submission: The Racialized Consequences of Neoliberal Juvenile Justice Practices
Judah Schept, “Keep Local Kids Local”: Departed Capital, Derelict Land, and (Neo)Liberal Detention
Randolph R. Myers & Tim Goddard, Pyrrhic Victory? Social Justice Organizations as Service Providers in Neoliberal Times
Lizbet Simmons, Profiting from Punishment: Public Education and the School Security Market
Judah Schept, Tyler Wall & Avi Brisman, Building, Staffing, and Insulating: An Architecture of Criminological Complicity in the School-to-Prison Pipeline
41:3 (2014) Penal Abolition and Prison Reform
Ginger Williams and Jennifer Leigh Disney, Militarism and Its Discontents: Neoliberalism, Repression, and Resistance in Twenty-First-Century US–Latin American Relations
Kevin Steinmetz and Jurg Gerber, “It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way”: Hacker Perspectives on Privacy
J. Patrice McSherry, The Víctor Jara Case and the Long Struggle against Impunity in Chile
Ruth Elizabeth Velásquez Estrada, Grassroots Peacemaking: The Paradox of Reconciliation in El Salvador
• Special Section: Penal Abolition and Prison Reform •
Vincenzo Ruggiero, Utopian Action and Participatory Disputes
Mick Ryan and Tony Ward, Prison Abolition in the UK: They Dare Not Speak Its Name?Erica R. Meiners, Trouble with the Child in the Carceral State
Justin Piché, Playing the “Treasury Card” to Contest Prison Expansion: Lessons from a Public Criminology Campaign
Eileen Baldry, Bree Carlton, and Chris Cunneen, Abolitionism and the Paradox of Penal Reform in Australia: Indigenous Women, Colonial Patriarchy, and Cooption
Rachel Herzing, Commentary: “Tweaking Armageddon”: The Potential and Limits of Conditions of Confinement Campaigns
John F. Wozniak, with Francis T. Cullen and Tony Platt, Book Symposium: Richard Quinney’s The Social Reality of Crime: A Marked Departure from and Reinterpretation of Traditional Criminology
41:1-2 (2014) Bhopal and After: The Chemical Industry as Toxic Capitalism
Editors, Editors’ Introduction
Rama Lakshmi and Shalini Sharma, Remembering Bhopal: Voices of Survivors
Bridget Hanna, “Just like any other city”: The De-Gasification of the Bhopal Gas Relief System
Tim Edwards, Criminal Failure and “The Chilling Effect”: A Short History of the Bhopal Criminal Prosecutions
Steve Tombs and David Whyte, Toxic Capital Everywhere: Mapping the Co-Ordinates of Regulatory Tolerance
Tomás Mac Sheoin, Controlling Chemical Hazards: Global Governance, National Regulation?
Indra Sinha, Chemicals for War and Chemicals for Peace: Poison Gas in Bhopal, India and Halabja, Kurdistan, Iraq
Shalini Sharma, Indian Media and the Struggle for Justice in Bhopal
Bridget Botelho and Stephen Zavestoski, “All the World’s a Stage”: The Bhopal Movement’s Transnational Organizing Strategies at the 2012 Olympic Games
Madhuresh Kumar, Bhopal and Struggle for Social Justice in India
Tomás Mac Sheoin, Transnational Anti-Corporate Campaigns
Laurence Cox, Challenging Toxic Hegemony: Repression and Resistance in Rossport and the Niger Delta
Emily Hill, Toxics in China
Pauline Conroy, Saro-Wiwa Letters
40:4 (2013) Latin America Revisited
Editors, Editors’ Introduction: Latin America Revisited
Jaime Osorio, The Latin American Debate: Dependent Capitalism, Superexploitation, and Revolution
Pablo Cuevas Valdés and Teresa Rojas Martini, The Neoliberal Chilean Process Four Decades after the Coup
Juan Fal, Argentina’s Model of Accumulation: Twenty Years of Ruptures and Continuities
Job Hernández Rodríguez, Mexico: Economic Change without Democracy
Margarita López Maya, Venezuela: The Political Crisis of Post-Chavismo
Trudie Coker, Dimensions of Democracy in Contemporary Venezuela
Karen Musalo and Blaine Bookey, Crimes without Punishment: An Update on Violence against Women and Impunity in Guatemala
Margaret Randall, Cuban Postcards
Susanne Jonas and June Nash, Renaissance Woman: Appreciations of Helen Safa
40:3 (2013) Foreclosure Crisis in the United States
Adalberto Aguirre, Jr., and Ellen Reese, Editors’ Introduction: Foreclosure Crisis in the United States: Families and Communities at Risk
Adalberto Aguirre, Jr., and Rubén O. Martinez, The Foreclosure Crisis, the American Dream, and Minority Households in the United States: A Descriptive Profile
Vanesa Estrada Correa, Blueprint for the American Dream? A Critical Discourse Analysis of Presidential Remarks on Minority Homeownership
Christie D. Batson, Barbara G. Brents, Candace Griffith, and Robert Futrell, The Foreclosure Crisis and Neighborhood Sentiments: Learning from Las Vegas
Simón E. Weffer, Dari Sylvester, James Mullooly, Alex Leigh Parnell, Rafael Maravilla, and Nicholas Lau, The Impacts of Foreclosure on Collective Efficacy and Civic Engagement: Findings from Two Central California Communities
Ariane Prohaska and Bronwen Lichtenstein, Losing a Home to Mortgage Foreclosure: Temporary Setback or Chronic Stressor?
Ellen Reese, Defending Homes and Making Banks Pay: California’s Home Defenders League
J. Gregg Robinson, Political Cynicism and the Foreclosure Crisis
Gregory Shank, From the Editor: Reflections on 40 Years of Social Justice
40:1-2 (2013) Foundations of Radical Criminology in the United States
Tony Platt, Introduction
Jonathan Simon, A Radical Need for Criminology
Alessandro De Giorgi, Reform or Revolution
Dario Melossi, 1977, Bologna to San Francisco
Tony Platt, Interview with Angela Davis
Tony Platt and Cecilia O’Leary, Two Interviews with Ericka Huggins
David Stein, A Spectre Is Haunting Law and Society
Herman Schwendinger and Julia Schwendinger (1970), Defenders of Order or Guardians of Human Rights?
Paul Takagi (1974), A Garrison State in “Democratic” Society
Editors (1976), Editorial: Berkeley School of Criminology
Peter Linebaugh (1976), Karl Marx and the Theft of Wood
Dorie Klein and June Kress (1976), Any Woman’s Blues
Tony Platt and Paul Takagi (1977), Intellectuals for Law and Order
Tony Platt (1978), Street Crime: A View from the Left
Karen Wald (1980), The San Quentin Six Case
Georg Rusche (1980), Labor Market and Penal Sanction
Dario Melossi (1980), Punishment and Social Structure
39:4 (2012) Miscellaneous
Victoria E. Collins and Dawn L. Rothe, United States Support for Global Social Justice? Foreign Intervention and Realpolitik in Egypt’s Arab Spring
Micol Seigel, “Convict Race”: Racialization in the Era of Hyperincarceration
Steve Martinot, On the Epidemic of Police Killings
Harald Bauder, The Possibilities of Open and No Borders
Megan Sallomi, Coopting the Antiviolence Movement: Why Expanding DNA Surveillance Won’t Make Us Safer
Gene Grabiner, Commentary: Government and Market Surveillance, Emergence of Mass Political Society, and the Need for Progressive Social Change
39:2-3 (2012) Elizabeth “Betita” Sutherland Martínez: A Life in Struggle
Tony Platt, Editor’s Introduction
Tessa Koning-Martínez, With All The Struggles, Remember To Keep Life Sweet
Editors, Elizabeth “Betita” Sutherland Martínez: A Select Chronology
Kathryn Blackmer Reyes, Elizabeth “Betita” Sutherland Martínez: Bibliography, 1960–2013
Tony Platt, The Heart Just Insists: In Struggle with Elizabeth “Betita” Sutherland Martínez
• Elizabeth “Betita” Sutherland Martínez, In Her Own Words •
• Betita through Artists’ Eyes •
Works by Favianna Rodríguez, Jesus Barraza and Melanie Cervantes of Dignidad Rebelde, John Kaine, Fernando Martí, Laura Rosenfeld, Margaret Randall, Suzie Dod Thomas, Judith Sandoval
• Memories of Betita, including:
Mike Davis, Elizabeth Occupies Wall Street
Chude Pam Allen, Always Connecting the Struggles
Angela Davis, Before I Knew Elizabeth Martínez
John Nichols, The Right Direction
Barbara Dane, Solidarity Forever
Sofía Martínez, Go-Go Betita
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, How Betita Saved My Life
Mike Miller, Searching for Common Ground
Susanne Jonas, Fellow Traveler
Alejandro Alvarez, Bridging Borders
Fredi Avalos, Bread and Roses Too
Marta López-Garza, Betita: Compañera y Mentora
Carlos Muñoz, Jr, A Chicana Icon on the Left
Max Elbaum and Ellen Kaiser, A 21st Century Activist for Peace
Olga Talamante, La Amistad Perdura/A Friendship Endures
39:1 (2012) Conflicts within the Crisis
Paolo Gerbaudo, The Impermanent Revolution: The Organizational Fragility of the Egyptian Prodemocracy Movement in the Troubled Transition
Dimitris Dalakoglou, The Crisis before “The Crisis”: Violence and Neoliberalization in Athens
Nicola Montagna, Labor, Citizenship, and Subjectivity: Migrants’ Struggles within the Italian Crisis
Universidad Nomada, For a Democratic Revolution: Notes from the Universidad Nomada
Gareth Brown, Emma Dowling, David Harvie, and Keir Milburn, Careless Talk: Social Reproduction and Fault Lines of the Crisis in the United Kingdom
Sue Mew, Contentious Politics: Financial Crisis, Political-Economic Conflict, and Collective Struggles–A Commentary
38:4 (2011) Juvenile Delinquency, Modernity, and the State
Jürgen Harder, Youth Welfare and the Practice of German Reformatories in the Weimar Republic: Between Social Reintegration and Exclusion of the “Behaviorally Maladjusted”
Pavel Vasilyev, Medical Science, the State, and the Construction of the Juvenile Drug Addict in Early Soviet Russia
Juliane Brauer, Clashes of Emotions: Punk Music, Youth Subculture, and Authority in the GDR (1978-1983)
Alex Clarkson, Urban Tribes: Subcultures and Political Conflict in West Berlin, 1945-1991
Michael Krause, Involving the Community in Youth Justice: “Naming and Shaming” and the Role of Local Citizen Courts in Britain and in the Former GDR
Alex Law and Gerry Mooney, The Decivilizing Process and Urban Working Class Youth in Scotland
38:3 (2011) Education, Militarism, and Community
Adalberto Aguirre, Jr., and Jennifer K. Simmers, The DREAM Act and Neoliberal Practice: Retrofitting Hispanic Immigrant Youth in US Society
Gloria H. Cuádraz, Ethico-Political Dilemmas of a Community Oral History Project: Navigating the Culture of the Corporate University
Janet Page-Reeves, Commentary: The Nexus of Poverty, Hunger, and Homelessness in New Mexico
Ethan Johnson and Andraé Brown, Youth Movement: Building on the Assets of Community for School Reform
Elizabeth Currans, Mark Schuller, and Tiffany Willougby-Herard, Negotiating Treacherous Terrain: Disciplinary Power, Security Cultures, and Affective Ties in a Local Antiwar Movement
Josh R. Klein, Toward a Cultural Criminology of War
Michael J. Lynch and Paul B. Stretesky, Native Americans and Social and Environmental Justice: Implications for Criminology
Erika Derkas, “Don’t Let Your Pregnancy Get in the Way of Your Drug Addiction”: CRACK and the Ideological Construction of Addicted Women
Deborah White and Janice Du Mont, Review: A Call to Galvanize a Movement to End the Oppression of Women Worldwide
38:1-2 (2011) Policing the Crisis: Policing in Crisis
Bernd Belina, Ending Public Space as We Know It
John Krinsky and Maud Simonet, Safeguarding Private Value in Public Spaces: The Neoliberalization of Public Service Work in New York City’s Parks
Jenny Künkel, Community Goes German: The Displacement of the Sex Trade in the Name of a Neoliberal Concept
Marc Schuilenburg, The Securitization of Society: On the Rise of Quasi-Criminal Law and Selective Exclusion
Nik Theodore, Policing Borders: Unauthorized Immigration and the Pernicious Politics of Attrition
John Manzo, On the Practices of Private Security Officers: Canadian Security Officers’ Reflections on Training and Legitimacy
Kendra Briken, Suffering in Public? Doing Security in Times of Crisis
Volker Eick, Germany’s New “Security Architecture”? Long-Term Unemployed and Rent-a-Cops
Massimiliano Mulone, When Private and Public Policing Merge: Thoughts on Commercial Policing
Ben Bowling and James Sheptycki, Policing Globopolis
Loïc Wacquant, The Wedding of Workfare and Prisonfare Revisited
37:4 (2010) Community Accountability: Emerging Movements to Transform Violence
Mimi Kim, Moving Beyond Critique: Creative Interventions and Reconstructions of Community Accountability
Andrea Smith, Decolonizing Anti-Rape Law and Strategizing Accountability in Native American Communities
Esteban Lance Kelly, Philly Stands Up: Inside the Politics and Poetics of Transformative Justice and Community Accountability in Sexual Assault Situations
Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, The Best Daughter
Theryn Kigvamasud’Vashti and Aishah Shahidah Simmons, interviewed by Alisa Bierria, Catalyzing Possibility: The NO! Film Documentary as Community Accountability Technology
Ana Clarissa Rojas Durazo, In Our Hands: Community Accountability as Pedagogical Strategy
Alisa Bierria, Where Them Bloggers At?
Cathy Cohen, Death and Rebirth of a Movement: Queering Critical Ethnic Studies
Julia C. Oparah, Afterword: After the Juggernaut Crashes
Mejdulene B. Shomali, Review of Arab and Arab American Feminisms
brownfemipower, Review of The Revolution Starts at Home
Marcia Ochoa, Review of Spade, Normal Life
Jakeya Caruthers, Review of Queer (In)Justice
Andrea Ritchie, Review of Captive Genders
37:2-3 (2010) Imperial Obama: A Kinder, Gentler Empire?
Tariq Ali, Obama’s War: A Lecture
Jeremy H. Keenan, The Sahara Emirate: Al Qaeda in the West, for the West?
William F. Felice, Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize Speech–Embracing the Ethics of Reinhold Niebuhr: More Continuity than Change in US Foreign Policy?
Daniel C. Maguire, The “Just War” Theory: Application to United States and Israeli Militarism
Tyler Wall, Imperial Laughs: A Soldier’s Song and the Colonial Present
Torin Monahan, The Future of Security? Surveillance Operations at Homeland Security Fusion Centers
Wm. C. Peters, Addendum for the War on Terror-Somewhere in Switzerland, Dilawar Remembered, and Why the Martens Clause Matters
Michael Welch, Illusions in Truth Seeking: The Perils of Interrogation and Torture in the War on Terror
J. Patrice McSherry, Review of The Trauma of Psychological Torture
Jeremy H. Keenan, Review of The Counter-Counterinsurgency Manual: Or, Notes on Demilitarizing American Society
Amy Mountcastle and James Armstrong, Obama’s War and Anthropology: Ethical Issues and Militarizing Anthropology
Bryant Welch, Moral Drift and the American Psychological Association: The Road to Torture
37:1 (2010) Sexuality, Criminalization, and Social Control
Lisa Pasko, Setting the Record “Straight”: Girls, Sexuality, and the Juvenile Correctional System
Michelle VanNatta, Conceptualizing and Stopping State Sexual Violence Against Incarcerated Women
Elias Walker Vitulli, Racialized Criminality and the Imprisoned Trans Body: Adjudicating Access to Gender-Related Medical Treatment in Prisons
Jin Haritaworn, Queer Injuries: The Racial Politics of “Hate Crime” in Germany
Rachel Lewis, Lesbians under Surveillance: Same-Sex Immigration Reform, Gay Rights, and the Problem of Queer Liberalism
Penelope Saunders and Jennifer Kirby, Move Along: Community-based Research into the Policing of Sex Work in Washington, D.C.
2009–2005 >>>