Tony Platt and Gregory Shank, eds.
This issue of Social Justice examines the widening net of incarceration, immigration policing, and drug and crime enforcement as well as the role of an increasingly authoritarian national security state in a globalized 21st-century economy. The phenomenon is transnational in scope, though the contributions here focus mainly on developments in the United States and the United Kingdom. It is the fruition of a conservative program, initiated in the Reagan and Thatcher years, and continues under George W. Bush and Tony Blair’s New Labour. Central to it are lowering the cost of labor, regressive tax cuts, reductions in environmental regulations (especially in the United States), gutting affirmative action and welfare benefits, and greatly expanding the military and the criminal justice system. Each country has pushed the world to accept unilateralist, preemptive militarism, most notably with the Bush-Blair intervention in Iraq. Each has been engaged in a prison-building binge, such that the United States now has the highest rate of incarceration of any modern democracy and England has become the prison capital of Western Europe. Articles in this issue speak to an integrated system of global workforce management and governance that is increasingly based on restricting civil, political, and human rights. The issue is 280 pages long.
Purchase articles (click on the author link to read the abstract and buy the pdf):
Editors, Issue Overview: Resisting Militarism and Globalized Punishment [Free Download]
Tony Platt, Challenging the Prison-Industrial Complex: A Symposium
Julia Sudbury, A World Without Prisons: Resisting Militarism, Globalized Punishment, and Empire
Marcus Mahmood, Collateral Consequences of the Prison-Industrial Complex
Geoff Ward, Punishing for a Living: More on the Cementing of Prisons
Joe Sim, Militarism, Criminal Justice, and the Hybrid Prison in England and Wales
Drew Leder, Imprisoned Bodies: The Life-World of the Incarcerated
Susanne Jonas and Catherine Tactaquin, Latino Immigrant Rights in the Shadow of the National Security State: Responses to Domestic Preemptive Strikes
Manuel Pastor and Susan Alva, Guest Workers and the New Transnationalism: Possibilities and Realities in an Age of Repression
Michael Welch, Quiet Constructions in the War on Terror: Subjecting Asylum Seekers to Unnecessary Detention
Phil Scraton, Streets of Terror: Marginalization, Criminalization, and Authoritarian Renewal
Tony Platt, The State of Welfare: Crises and Challenges
Jokin Alberdi Bidaguren and Daniel Nina, Governability and Forms of Popular Justice in the New South Africa and Mozambique: Community Courts and Vigilantism
Craig Reinarman and Harry G. Levine, Crack in the Rear-View Mirror: Deconstructing Drug War Mythology
Anita Kalunta-Crumpton, A Community Without a Drug Problem? Black Drug Use in Britain
Michael Huspek, Black Press, White Press, and Their Opposition: The Case of the Police Killing of Tyisha Miller
Martin Urbina, A Qualitative Analysis of Latinos Executed in the United States Between 1975 and 1995: Who Were They?