Adalberto Aguirre, Jr., and Ellen Reese, eds.
What challenges do workers face in the global economy and how can they and their allies meet them? Essays in this special issue of Social Justice address aspects of this question through detailed case studies on the interface between global capitalism and neoliberalism as it affects workers in particular industries and countries. Authors discuss the social forces shaping the development of class-consciousness and strategies for resisting the exploitation and alienation of workers. To provide an interpretive context, the Editors review the literature on economic globalization and workers, with an emphasis on immigration and immigrant workers, as well as the impact of economic globalization and neoliberalism on income inequality.
Purchase articles (click on the author link to read the abstract and buy the pdf):
Adalberto Aguirre, Jr., and Ellen Reese, The Challenge of Globalization for Workers: Transnational and Transborder Issues
Carolina Bank Muñoz, Mobile Capital, Immobile Labor: Inequality and Opportunity in the Tortilla Industry
Jill Esbenshade, Codes of Conduct: Challenges and Opportunities for Workers’ Rights
Margaret Zamudio, Alienation and Resistance: New Possibilities for Working-Class Formation
Ester C. Apesoa-Varano and Charles S. Varano, Nurses and Labor Activism in the United States: The Role of Class, Gender, and Ideology
Luis Aguiar, Resisting Neoliberalism in Vancouver: An Uphill Struggle for Cleaners
Mark Hudson and Ian Hudson, Justice, Sustainability, and the Fair Trade Movement: A Case Study of Coffee Production in Chiapas
Paul Takagi and Gregory Shank, Critique of Restorative Justice
Yoko Katsuyama, Review of Jefferey Lesser (ed.), Searching for Home Abroad: Japanese Brazilians and Transnationalism
Shoon Lio, The Search for International Justice in an Age of Genocide
Editors, In Memoriam: Richard Hongisto (1936-2004)