Archive Access, 1989–1985

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1989–1985 (Vol. 16:4 through No. 23 )
2015– 2014–2010 | 2009–2005 | 2004–2000 | 1999–1995 | 1994–1990 | 1984–1980 | 1979–1974

Vol. 16:4 (1989) Racism, Powerlessness, and Justice

Editors, Preface: Special Issue on “Racism, Powerlessness, and Justice”
Bernard D. Headley, Introduction: Crime, Justice, and Powerless Racial Groups
Rhoda Reddock, Tribute to Ken Pryce
Leslie Inniss and Joe R. Feagin, The Black Underclass Ideology
Daniel E. Georges-Abeyie, Race, Ethnicity, and the Spatial Dynamic: Toward a Realistic Study of “Black Crime,” Crime Victimization, and Criminal Justice Processing of Blacks
Bernard D. Headley, Killings That Became “Tragedy”: A Different View of What Happened in Atlanta, Georgia
Darnell F. Hawkins, Black-White Imprisonment Rates: A State-by-State Analysis
Coramae Richey Mann, Minority and Female: A Criminal Justice Double Bind
Faye Harrison, Drug Trafficking in World Capitalism: A Perspective on Jamaican Posses in the U.S.
Paul Knepper, Southern-Style Punitive Repression: Ethnic Stratification, Economic Inequality, and Imprisonment in Territorial Arizona
Adalberto Aguirre, Jr., and David Baker, The Execution of Mexican American Prisoners in the Southwest
Oscar López-Rivera (with Bernard Headley), Who Is the Terrorist? The Making of a Puerto Rican Freedom Fighter
Elizabeth Martínez, Histories of the “Sixties”: A Certain Absence of Color
Anthony M. Platt, E. Franklin Frazier Reconsidered
Jerome Washington, Summer Memories: Revisited (poem)
Gwendolyn D. Carter, Review of People and Folks
Gerald G. Bennett, Racial Inequality and the Poor: A Critique of The Truly Disadvantaged

Vol. 16:3 (1989) The Politics of Empowerment in Australia

Anthony M. Platt, Introduction to “The Politics of Empowerment in Australia”
Pat O’Malley, Guide to Australian Terms and Institutions
Pat O’Malley, Editorial: Social Justice in the Client State
Peter Beilharz, Australian Laborism, Social Democracy, and Social Justice
Eve Mungwa Fesl, White Maneuvers and Koori Oppression
Greta Bird and Pat O’Malley, Kooris, Internal Colonialism, and Social Justice
Ian Palmer, Restoring the Past? Kooris, Land Purchases, and Australian Capitalism
Andrew Jakubowicz, Social Justice and the Politics of Multiculturalism in Australia
Lois Bryson, The Proletarianization of Women: Gender Justice in Australia?
Jane Mugford, Stephen Mugford, and Patricia Weiser Easteal, Social Justice, Public Perceptions, and Spouse Assault in Australia
W.G. Kit Carson and Cathy Hennenberg, Social Justice at the Workplace: The Political Economy of Occupational Health and Safety Laws
David Brown, Returning to Sight: Contemporary Australian Penality
Dennis Altman and Kim Humphry, Breaking Boundaries: AIDS and Social Justice in Australia
Paul Havemann, Social Justice in the Corporatist Welfare State: An Essay Review on Aboriginal Deaths in Custody and Our Homeless Children

Vol. 16:2 (1989) Varieties of State and Corporate Crime

Gregory Shank, State and Corporate Crime: An Introduction
Peter Dale Scott, Northwards Without North: Bush, Counterterrorism, and the Continuation of Secret Power
Gilda Zwerman, Domestic Counterterrorism: U.S. Government Response to Political Violence on the Left in the Reagan Era
Alan B. Block, Violence, Corruption, and Clientelism: The Assassination of Jesus De Galindez, 1956
Clifford Luyt, The Killing Fields: South Africa’s Human Rights Record in Southern Africa
Frank Pearce and Steve Tombs, Bhopal: Union Carbide and the Hubris of the Capitalist Technocracy
Ronald Kramer, Criminologists and the Social Movement Against Corporate Crime
Deborah Baskin, What Is All the Fighting About? Privatism and Neighbor Disputes
Richard R. Korn, Not One Cent for Defense Either: An Appeal for More Public Indifference
Robert P. Weiss, Who Guards the Guards? Review of Policing for Profit
Anthony M. Platt, Over Here: Review of Agents of Repression and War at Home
Tullio Caputo, Review of R.S. Ratner and John L. McMullan, State Control: Criminal Justice Politics in Canada

Vol. 16:1 (1989) Human Rights and Peoples’ Rights: Views from North and South

Ed McCaughan, Introduction to “Human Rights and Peoples’ Rights”
Alexander Cockburn, In Memory of Sean McBride: The Man Who Smelled a Rat
Theo Van Boven, Can Human Rights Have a Separate Existence from Peoples’ Rights?
Salvatore Senese, External and Internal Self-Determination
Louis Joinet, Universal Dimensions of Humanitarian Law in Armed Conflicts: A Plan of Action for NGOs
Bill Felice, Rights in Theory and Practice: An Historical Perspective
Richard Falk, United States Foreign Policy as an Obstacle to the Rights of Peoples
Francis Boyle, The Hypocrisy and Racism Behind the Formulation of U.S. Human Rights Foreign Policy: In Honor of Clyde Ferguson
Luciana Castellina, The People Versus War
Sandro Canestrini, Italy’s Ethnic Minorities and the Contradictions of Self-Determination
Oda Makoto, Sovereignty and Domination in Asia and the Pacific
Pablo Gonzalez Casanova, Liberation Struggles in Latin America
Eduardo Galeano, Democracy in Latin America: Best Is That Which Best Creates
Piero Basso, Perspectives of the International League for the Rights and Liberation of Peoples
Greg Tewksbury, A Call to Justice: A People’s Tribunal on Human Rights in the United States
Coalition of NGOs, About the Coalition of NGOs Concerned with Impunity for Violators of Human Rights
Campaign for Amnesty and Human Rights, Freedom Now Campaign for Amnesty and Human Rights for Political Prisoners
Rita Maran, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 40
United NationsUniversal Declaration of Human Rights
International League for the Rights and Liberation of Peoples, Universal Declaration of the Rights of Peoples (introduced by Antoine Tritsis)
Editors, Bulletin Board

Vol. 15:3-4 (1988) Dynamics of the Informal Economy

Barbara Bishop, Preface to “Dynamics of the Informal Economy”
Cyril Robinson, Introduction: Exploring the Informal Economy
Alejandro Portes and Josef Borocz, The Informal Sector under Capitalism and State Socialism: A Preliminary Comparison
Stuart Henry, Can the Hidden Economy Be Revolutionary? Toward a Dialectical Analysis of the Relations Between Formal and Informal Economies
Bernard D. Headley, War Ina Babylon: Roots of Jamaican Gang and Drug Crimes in the U.S.
Alison Lever, Women’s Employment in the Informal Sector: The Case of the Embroidery Industry in Santiago, Spain
W. Gordon West, Destabilizing Nicaragua: The Growth of Second Economy Crime Is Not an Internal Flaw of Sandinista Social Justice
Steven Sampson, May You Live Only by Your Salary! The Unplanned Economy in Eastern Europe
Peter Galasi and Endre Sik, Invisible Incomes in Hungary
Cyril RobinsonPolice-Community Relations Through Community History
Stanley Cohen, Rebellion and Political Crime in America
Ronald Hinch, Teaching Marxian Perspectives on Law and Crime
Martin D. Schwartz and Walter S. DeKeseredy, Liberal Feminism on Violence Against Women
Editors, Bulletin Board

Vol. 15:2 (1988) Human Rights and U.S.-Cuban Relations in the Reagan Era

Ed McCaughan and Anthony M. Platt, Overview and Introduction to “Human Rights and U.S.-Cuban Relations in the Reagan Era”
Anthony M. Platt, The United States, Cuba, and the New Cold War
June Kress and Janis Lewin, A Guide to Anti-Cuba Opinion Makers
Anthony M. Platt, Cuba and the Politics of Human Rights
Institute for Policy Studies, Cuban Prisons: A Preliminary Report
Flora Biancalana and Cecilia O’Leary, Profile of U.S. Press Coverage of Cuba
Ed McCaughan and Anthony M. Platt, Tropical Gulag: Media Images of Cuba
Arlene Alligood, National Council on U.S.-Cuban Relations, Reasons for Rapprochement
Colin Danby, PACCA, An Alternative U.S. Policy Toward Cuba
Wayne Smith, Suspicions Confirmed
Drew Humphries, Making News

Vol. 15:1 (1988) Struggles for Justice

Editors, Notice to Our Readers on Our Name Change
Paul Takagi and Anthony M. Platt, Struggles for Justice: An Overview
National Prison Project of the ACLU Foundation, Report on the High Security Unit for Women, Federal Correctional Institution, Lexington, Kentucky
Richard R. Korn, The Effects of Confinement in the High Security Unit at Lexington
Richard R. Korn, Follow-Up Report on the Effects of Confinement in the High Security Unit at Lexington
Adjoa A. Aiyetoro, Update on the High Security Unit at Lexington
Gilda Zwerman, Special Incapacitation: The Emergence of a New Correctional Facility for Women Political Prisoners
Harry Mika and Jim Thomas, The Dialectics of Prisoner Litigation: Reformist Idealism or Social Praxis?
Maurice Kamm Laurence, Captive Souls: Portraits of People in Prison
Jenny Hocking, Counterterrorism as Counterinsurgency: The British Experience
Deborah Baskin, Community Mediation and the Public/Private Problem
Margaret Burnham, Monitoring the Police in the Aftermath of the Greater London Council
Herman Schwendinger and Julia Siegel Schwendinger, The World According to James Messerschmidt
James Messerschmidt, A Reply to the Schwendingers
Dragan Milovanovic, Review Essay: Critical Legal Studies and the Assault on the Bastion
Michael Lynch, The Poverty of the History of Criminology — David Jones’ History of Criminology: A Philosophical Approach
Stuart Henry, The Big Blue Brick: Coercive Social Control of Labor
Walter DeKeseredy, Review of Des Ellis, The Wrong Stuff: An Introduction to the Sociological Study of Deviance

No. 30 (1987) Latin American Perspectives on Crime and Social Justice

Gregory Shank and Suzie Dod, Overview of “Latin American Perspectives on Crime and Social Justice”
Editors, Editorial: American Sociological Association Resolution
Atilio Ramirez Amaya et al., Justice and the Penal System in El Salvador
Rosa del Olmo, Aerobiology and the War on Drugs: A Transnational Crime
Juan Vega Vega, The International Crime of Usury: The Third World’s Usurious Foreign Debt
Jesus Antonio Muñoz Gomez, Notes Toward a Historical Understanding of the Colombian Penal System
Benedict Alper, Inside Nicaragua’s Prisons
Carmen Antony, A Critical Analysis of the Panamanian Penal Law
Margarita Viera, Cuban Perspectives on Crime and Criminal Justice
Nora Strejilevich, Terror in Argentina (introduced by Olga Talamante and Gregory Shank)
Suzie Dod Thomas and Gregory Shank, Latin American Critical Criminology Group
Gerda Ray, Report on the First Seminar on Penitentiary Systems of the Americas, September 16-19, 1986, Managua
Anthony M. Platt and Cecilia O’Leary, XXXIX International Course in Criminology, Havana, 1987
Camilo Pérez-Bustillo, Report on American Association of Jurists Conference
Esther MadrizReview of Lolita Aniyar de Castro

Susan Caringella-MacDonaldReview of Martha Huggins, From Slavery to Vagrancy in Brazil

No. 29 (1987) Comparative and Theoretical Issues

Editors, Overview
Dorothy Spektorov McClellan, Soviet Youth: A View from the Inside
Erich Buchholz, Reasons for the Low Rate of Crime in the German Democratic Republic
Lance Selva and Robert Bohm, A Critical Examination of the Informalism Experiment in the Administration of Justice
Anthony M. Platt, U.S. Criminal Justice in the Reagan Era: An Assessment
Pat O’Malley, Marxist Theory and Marxist Criminology
Gil Gardner, The Emergence of the New York State Prison System: A Critique of the Rusche-Kirchheimer Model
Michael Lynch, Quantitative Analysis and Marxist Criminology: Some Old Answers to New Questions
Dennis Sullivan, Peter Sanzen, and Kathryn Callaghan, The Teaching and Studying of Justice: Fostering the Unspeakable Vision of Cooperation
Paul Friday, Socialist Criminology: A Review of Jozsef Vigh, Causality, Determination and Prognosis in Criminology
Robert Bohm, Review of Robert Elias, The Politics of Victimization: Victims, Victimology, and Human Rights

Nos. 27-28 (1987) Contragate and Counterterrorism

Gregory Shank, Contragate and Counterterrorism: An Introduction
Edward Herman, U.S. Sponsorship of International Terrorism: An Overview
Gregory Shank, Counterterrorism and Foreign Policy
Donald Pfost, Reagan’s International Policy: A Case Study of Political Deviance and Crime
James Petras, Political Economy of State Terror: Chile, El Salvador, and Brazil
Peter Dale Scott, Contra-Gate: Reagan, Foreign Money, and the Contra Deal
Martha Huggins, U.S.-Supported State Terror: A History of Police Training in Latin America
Noam Chomsky, International Terrorism: Image and Reality
Jan Pieterse, The Washington-Tel Aviv Connection: Global Frontier Management
CJ Grossman, The McCarran-Walter Act: War Against Margaret Randall and the First Amendment
Michael Olivero and James B. Roberts, Marion Federal Penitentiary and the Twenty-Two Month Lockdown: The Crisis Continues
Barbara Bishop, A Review of Edward Herman and Frank Broadhead, Rise and Fall of the Bulgarian Connection

No. 26 (1986) Canada-U.S. Criminal Justice Connections

Editors, Editorial: Special Issue on Canada
R.S. Ratner, Introduction to a Conjunctural Analysis of Social Control in Canada
Paul Havemann, Marketing the New Establishment Ideology in Canada
Chuck Reasons and Duncan Chappell, Continental Capitalism and Crooked Lawyering
Ian Taylor, Martyrdom and Surveillance: Ideological and Practices of Police in Canada in the 1980s
Michael Mandel, The Legalization of Prison Discipline in Canada
John Lowman and Robert Menzies, Out of the Fiscal Shadow: Carceral Trends in Canada and the United States
Robert Gordon, Financial Abuse of the Elderly and State Protective Services: Changing Strategies in the Penal-Welfare Complex in the United States and Canada
Brian Burtch, Interview with Claire Culhane
John Fried, Review of Francis Boyle, World Politics and International Law

No. 25 (1986) Human Rights and Justice Under Siege

Editors, Dedication to Betty Elder
Gregory Shank, Paul Takagi, and Robert Gould, The State of Terrorism
Editors, Academic Freedom and the Pursuit of Knowledge in Nicaragua: Assistance Needed
Betty Elder, The Human Rights of Women: Their Status in International Law
Heinz Dieterich, Enforced Disappearances and Corruption in Latin America
Gregory Colvin, Report on the United Nation’s Seventh Congress on Crime and Crime Prevention, Milan 1985
Suzie Dod, Report on the Combined Latin American Comparative and Critical Criminology Conferences, Managua 1985
Jerome B. Falk, Jr., The Danger of Gallup Poll Justice
Michael S. Wald, Judging the Judges: What Standard Should Voters Use?
Gerald F. Uelmen, Death Penalty Laws and the California Supreme Court: A Ten-Year Perspective
Michael Radelet and Margaret Vandiver, Race and Capital Punishment
John Horton and Anthony M. Platt, Crime and Criminal Justice under Capitalism and Socialism
Ministry of Justice, Maputo, Mozambique, New Methods of Involving the Community in Dealing with Delinquent Behavior in Mozambique
Peter Iadicola, Community Crime Control Strategies
Louis Lieberman and Alexander Smith, Crime Rates and Poverty — A Reexamination
Kevin Ryan and Jeff Ferrell, Knowledge, Power, and the Process of Justice
Piri Thomas, A First Night in El Sing Sing Prison
Luis Talamantez, Memories from San Quentin
Gregg Barak, Is America Ready for the Currie Challenge? A Review of Currie, Confronting Crime: An American Challenge
Dilip K. Das, Review of Anand A. Yang (ed.), Crime and Criminality in British India

No. 24 (1985) State Terrorism in South Africa

Rod Bush, Reagan and State Terrorism in Southern Africa
Editors, Academic Freedom and Citizenship: The Mamdani Case
Editors, American Sociological Association Resolutions
Editors, Overview of “State Terrorism in South Africa”
Lennox Hinds, Apartheid in South Africa and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Jeremy Cronin, Academic Freedom, Censorship, and Repression in South Africa
Raymond Suttner, Political Trials and the Legal Process in South Africa
Raymond Suttner, The Freedom Charter: The People’s Charter in the 1980s
Heinz Dieterich, Global U.S. State Terrorism: An Interview with Noam Chomsky
Francis Boyle, Defending Nonviolent Civil Disobedience Against the Reagan Administration Under International Law
Adrienne Rich, Faces of Commitment: Poetry from South Africa
Piri Thomas, Commentary on Dreaming the Blues: Poems from Martin County Prison, by Alex Albricht (ed.)
Luis Talamantez, Selected Poems
Muriel Karr, Welfare: A True Story
József Vigh, Thoughts on the Essence of Socialist Criminology
Darnell Hawkins, Trends in Black-White Imprisonment: Changing Conceptions of Race or Changing Patterns of Social Control?
Laureen Snider, Legal Aid, Reform, and the Welfare State
Editors, Economic Justice: The Income and Jobs Action Act
Herman Schwendinger, Gangs in Capetown: Review of Pinnock, The Brotherhood
Virginia Engquist Grabiner, Rape and Inequality: Review of Julia and Herman Schwendinger, Rape Myths and Inequality

No. 23 (1985) Socialism, Capitalism, and the Reproduction of Crime

Editors, Editorial: Scapegoating Bulgaria — The Antonov Tragedy
Marlene Dixon and Gregory Shank, Introduction: “Socialism, Capitalism, and the Reproduction of Crime”
Vilma Nuñez de Escorcia, Justice and the Control of Crime in the Sandinista Popular Revolution
B.V. Korobeinikov, Sociopolitical and Legal Principles of Crime Prevention in the U.S.S.R.
Max Azicri, Crime, Penal Law, and the Cuban Revolutionary Process
Betty Elder, Report on Cuba’s First Symposium on Politics, Ideology, and Law
Barbara Szamota, The Problems of Social Parasitism in Poland: Some Legal Aspects
Cyril Robinson, Criminal Justice Research: Two Competing Futures
Byron Casey Groves, Marxism and Positivism
Francis Cullen, John Wozniak, and James Frank, The Rise of the Elderly Offender: Will a “New” Criminal Be Invented?
Gregg Barak, The Ominous Crime Policies of Right-Wing Think Tanks: A Review of James Q. Wilson’s Crime and Public Policy