Mexican and Chicanx Social Movements
edited by Maylei Blackwell and Edward J. McCaughan
This special double issue brings together the work of scholars and activists from Mexico and the United States, representing a variety of disciplines and movements, to discuss current trends in the scholarship and practices of Mexican and Chicanx social movements. The editors sought to critically assess new developments in the social movements of “Greater Mexico.” The volume incorporates a multigenerational conversation between left activists and scholars of the 1960s and 1970s and later generations of activists, including those in current movements. It pays attention to the multiple modes of power and possibility produced by movements and analyzes how power is organized around racial, classed, sexual, and gendered axes within society and within social movements. Articles reveal how youth organizers in the immigrant rights movement and the Oaxacan popular uprising challenged the way of doing politics, leading to important innovations in social movement strategies and outcomes. The issue also investigates the ways in which indigenous women are asserting gender rights within indigenous rights and how queer activists have challenged immigrant rights organizing.
Editors’ Introduction: New Dimensions in the Scholarship and Practice of Mexican and Chicanx Social Movements
Maylei Blackwell and Edward J. McCaughan [free pdf]
“Different Plans”: Indigenous Pasts, the Partido Liberal Mexicano, and Questions about Reframing Binational Social Movements of the Twentieth Century
Devra Anne Weber
Building a Movement and Constructing Community: Photography, the United Farm Workers, and El Malcriado
Colin Gunckel
Spatializing Chicano Power: Cartographic Memory and Community Practices of Care
Juan Herrera
“De Campesina a Internacionalista” (“From Farmworker Girl to Internationalist”): A Journey of Encuentros y Desencuentros
Olga Talamante
The Fruitful and Conflictive Relationship between Feminist Movements and the Mexican Left
Gisela Espinosa Damián
Art, Identity, and Mexico’s Gay Movement
Edward J. McCaughan
The Mexican Teachers’ Movement: Thirty Years of Struggle for Union Democracy and the Defense of Public Education
María de la Luz Arriaga Lemus
From Hometown Clubs to Transnational Social Movement: The Evolution of Oaxacan Migrant Associations in California
Gaspar Rivera-Salgado
Geographies of Difference: Transborder Organizing and Indigenous Women’s Activism
Maylei Blackwell
Social Justice and Feminist Activism: Writing as an Instrument of Collective Reflection in Prison Spaces
Rosalva Aída Hernández Castillo
From the Barrio to the Barricades: Grafiteros, Punks, and the Remapping of Urban Space
Maurice Rafael Magaña
Shine Bright like a Migrant: Julio Salgado’s Digital Art and Its Use of Jotería
Juan D. Ochoa
Arizona: A Reflection and Conversation on the Migrant Rights Movement, 2015
Michelle Téllez
Redrawing Power: #YoSoy132 and Overflowing Insurgencies
Mariana Favela
Global Economic Crisis and Social Movements in Mexico and North America
Alejandro Alvarez Béjar
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